Classic handguns?


New member
Anyone have a passion for "classic" pistols? I have a 1903 Colt Pocket Pistol in 32 ACP. It is a dandy little shooter, although a bit lacking in stopping power. Even if Philip Marlowe liked them.



New member
Gentlemen - "Philip Marlowe" for serious work carried a Colt .38 Super, Model 1911.


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i have a 1908 Dryse Schemmeria it is 95% but has a set of aftermarket wooden grips. tolerences are so tight that it is hard to tell were some parts stop and others end. it is a real shooter and has the accuracy that a .32 ACP reaaly needs to be effecftive. i usually draw in eyes on a human form target and shoot for them. it's no problem at 21 feet with the Dryse. nice little pistol

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what is for lunch.
Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the outcome of the vote.
Let he that hath no sword sell his garment and buy one. Luke 22-36
They all hold swords, being expert in war: every man hath his sword upon his thigh because of fear in the night. Song of Solomon 3-8
The man that can keep his head and aims carefully when the situation has gone bad and lead is flying usually wins the fight.

Rusty S

New member
Archie: been thinking about this for a few days. Glad you posted the question. Some guns just seem to look "righter" than others.

To _me_ the earlier, ejector shroudless Police Positive Special w/ 4" bbl. looks righter than the S&W mod 10 w/4" skinny bbl., and the Detective Special and Cobra seem righter than the Chiefs Special or Bodyguard.

The mod 58 41 mag M&P is another. As is the Luger. And the SAA 45

Finally, I ( and my best friend ) grew up with Sean Connery as the "real" James Bond carrying the PPK in 32. The best friend bought one. I went into the gunshop innumerable times with money to get one, and every time the DA trigger crush talked me out of it. Recently ended up with commercial, 1952 proofed baroque styled Beretta 34/35 in 32. I fondle it a lot. Along with my Nepali khukuris, and a 48" OAL Del Tin bastard sword.

DSC - This is daydreaming time. If you want to get real, wait for the SOB to come staggering out after the bar closes at 2 AM
and give him both bbls. of buckshot in the back.

"They asked would I fight for my country; I answered the FBI, yea!
"I will point a gun for my country but, I won't guarantee you which way."
Woody Guthrie


New member
Rusty S. - Thanks for the comment. I'm not certain what you were describing to me in comparing the potency and effect of using a well aimed .32 ACP to put down a "Bad Guy" versus obliterating him with a double-barrel shot gun (12 Gauge?), but either way good shooting will settle the affair.
As for Ian Fleming's creation of "James Bond" (I too believe that Sean Connery was the best. I first saw him as "James ... James Bond" in DR. NO) Fleming has been noted as having been a better writer of Bond's spy stories than his being a "gun" writer. Fleming had actually been in the British Intelligence Service, and I believe they and other British agencies at that time used S&W Revolvers in various calibers. Originally he was considering Bond's using a S&W Model 10 .38 Special, but later scaled down Bond's armament to a .25 ACP Beretta. The .32 ACP Walther was to come later for use as primary Bond's weapon. DSC.


If you take care of the quality stuff you have now, some day they will all be classics. It's just like money in the bank.


New member
A "Tupperware" gun will NEVER be a Classic.

Broomhandle Mauser w/stock .30 cal
Shansen Mauser w/stock .45
USMC 1911 "not A1" .45
S&W Triple Lock .44 spcl
S&W MD.57 5" .357
Colt Python .357

short list. I guess you could call me a "RETRO Shooter"





New member
Colt Diamondback in .38 4inch
Colt Diamondback in .22 6inch
Colt Python early model in 4 or 6 inch.
Artillery Luger with 8 inch barrel and forstock. (Saw one in box and unfired once still had factory targets in box)
Stardard Luger


New member
BMWGS80, we agree about Mausers (and, if I'm reading your nickname right, about certain bikes as well). But can you imagine what handgun enthusiasts must have thought when the Broomhandle came out in 1896?

I'd say that some of today's plastic pistols stand to be classic indeed, come future days.


Well, I guess if you think of it as a perfect design that cannot be improved upon, it could keep from becoming a classic.