Civilian Drones and Handguns

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New member

People assume their are no such things as civilian drones... Simply not true, any remote controlled aircraft could be considered a drone. This video looks at the dangers and hazards that could easily be leveraged by a BG. Further imagine controller run by something like a laptop where the computer handles the details of the flight of multiple machines...

My point being the threat is out there, the capability exist and despite probably being highly illegal it could be done... (Please do not violate the law, I am not encouraging this activity, simply building awareness)

In this video a paint gun is slung under a multi engine drone and engages ground targets...

Other than bringing ones lawfully used firearm to action against such a threat (if ithe drone was using a firearm) the only thing I can think of is to run zig zag and seek cover....

Any other ideas of how to counter this threat? What other SD implications do you see?
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