Civil War Reenactors: "Farbs" get on your nerves?


New member
Let's see . . . as a former Civil War reenactor . . shooting BP for 45 + years . . . doing the pre 1840 thing . . . . . . etc. etc. etc. . . . . what was that phrase I used to hear so often? Oh, yea . . . . "If they'd have had it, they'd have used it!" :D:) Thanks for today's chuckle! :)


New member
as a reenactor from 1978 till 2008 i saw continueous change for good within the hobby. it all comes down to dedication , how big yer wallet is & hanging with fellas who spur everyone to do the research to represent a historically correct persona.

i finally gave up pointing fingers, laughing & realized each person was at their own level of competence for any number of reasons.

it's like any other social gathering people will eventually seperate into groups of like mindsets...that's why there's main stream events & campaigner events. same hobby two seperate worlds apart!

fergittaboutit...enjoy the hobby where you feel comfortable....



New member
funny video

Hey everyone I reenacted Civil War for about twenty years, I started out with my dad and his buddies doing signal corp after they bought a cannon we did 2nd US artillery it was fun for a while, then when I turned 18 I went into the infantry and went "hard core" that was a blast. We would go out East to Gettysburg, Manasass, Antietam, etc, and those Eastern boys were very impressed with our uniforms and authenticity, etc. However eventually recruiting dried up and the unit started losing the "oldtimers" and new people came in with their wives and campers etc, I got out shortly after that. It stopped being fun for me. I looked up the unit a few weeks back and there was no one there I knew, it just wasn't the same anymore. Kinda sad, but I'm ramblin' I liked the video.
