City tries to get guns off streets by buying them


New member
Saw this today:

City tries to get guns off streets by buying them
Associated Press
7:35 AM CDT, July 23, 2008
CHICAGO - The city of Chicago is hoping to take a record number of guns off the street this weekend.

On Saturday, the city will be in the gun business, as it will pay -- no questions asked -- $100 for every gun turned in to one of 25 participating churches.

Last year, using money from corporate donors, the city purchased a record 6,700 guns in a similar buyback program.

When people turn in guns they will receive a $100 prepaid MasterCard. They'll get $10 prepaid cards for BB guns, replica guns and air guns.,0,5817859.story


If you had a collection of Raven .25's and Lorcin .380's you could turn a nice profit.

And that's all they'll get, too. A bunch of Saturday Night Specials The good, powerful, accurate stuff will stay out there.


New member
I've got an old break-top H&R revolver I'm thinking of selling for $100. I like the gun, but someone really messed up the trigger on it. The trigger pull has got to be over 20 lbs. (but it breaks cleanly!)

I agree, it just shows how stupid clergy & police admins can be. Although it may get a few "Saturday Night Specials" "off the streets" it will mostly just help law-abiding folks like us unload junk guns.

I also thought about selling my SKS to them last time, as I paid $75 for it and was not really having any fun with it. (local range only allows single shot loading in rifles)

But who is going to sell a nice auto pistol for $100? No one. Dumb as gang guys are, they know their gun is worth more than $100.

In order for this to really work, they have to up the ante to at least $300.

Any word what they're doing with those guns? Destroying them? or selling them wholesale to someone, who will just put them "back on the streets."

Lastly, if I worked for one of those churches, I'd be scared witless about being ambushed for the cache of guns.


New member
In order for this to really work, they have to up the ante to at least $300.
There's not a gun in my safe I would sell for that cheap...well except for the old Marlin bolt action .22;)

Your point is well taken though...for $100 all they will get is junk, the gangs will keep their good weapons....and laugh as they walk away after selling back a few Rohm, jennings, ect.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
Typically, at the end of these programs they have a big media frenzy with a "furnace" and they put on a big show of melting down the guns.


Staff In Memoriam
GEE WHIZ and to think I went and traded a Lorcin .380 for a marlin .30-30 and Maverick 88. I am so upset I could :barf: That hunert dollar card woulda been so cool! If I weren't so far away I could turn in my $130 dollar gamo air rifle for the 10 dollar card...

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
What a joke! That Daly is out of his mind!

It's not about sane, logical decisions. It's about a mindset, with the emphasis on SET. It goes back to "Don't bother me with the facts, I've already made up my mind."

Just like all the boys (Jesse Jackson and others) on TV talking about how the Heller decision is going to get so many people killed. No matter how many times the commentator tried to explain that these would be LEGAL guns and crimes are virtually NEVER committed with legal handguns and that the "ban" has NOT reduced crime, they just keep saying "We've got to get these guns out of the hands of our KIDS..." We'll, frankly, no kidding idiot, KIDS don't have legal guns. Besides (as we all know) the guns aren't the problem, the world view is the problem.


New member
City of Houston did a similar thing about 5 years ago. $100.00 per gun paid as an Oshmann's Sporting Goods card. I personally turned in 3 Ravens and used the cards to buy an 870:D.

Why only 3? There were no more Ravens or RGs or "S-N-S" to be found in the pawnshops after the first day of the 5 day program.:eek:

While there I did see several collectible firearms turned in. The one that hurt the most was an old Colt revolver that a little old lady said had been in her closet since her husband had died and she just wanted to get rid of it.


Stagger Lee

New member
New York City just did it too...and they paid more.

Many years back, when these buy-backs started, a buddy and I who held an FFL jointly decided to get in on it. When a local city held one of these, we went over and set up a card table outside the community center where the collection was taking place and put up signs offering free appraisals and top dollar paid for any guns that we thought were worth more than the $50.00 being offered.

It didn't take 15 minutes for the police to show up and run us off. We never even saw gun one. But on the news that night, we saw some of the guns turned in. There was an M-1 carbine front and center and a Colt Woodsman. We're sure that there was other nice stuff there too. Very sad.


Very sad.

And what's even sadder is those guns weren't re-sold to FFLs, they were ground into chips and are probably in the cars we drive today. Of course, there's the occasional REALLY valuable piece that mysteriously disappears from the records and evidence room.

It's all about posturing. It's lip service to the liberal left wing antis who see it as a great service to the community. Looks great on the nightly news. "Police buy back over (XXX number) of guns. The streets are safer because of this far-reaching program."

Stagger Lee

New member
Of course, there's the occasional REALLY valuable piece that mysteriously disappears from the records and evidence room.

Not in any buy-back than I'm aware of. You may like to think that it happens, but there aren't too many officers willing to trade good jobs and pensions for a mere gun or two.


New member
One problem I have with these "buyback" programs is that, according to the cops and press, every gun they take in is now "off the streets", as if the gang bangers and other thugs are turning in their guns.



New member
$100.00 each isn't enough for me. if face value was offered, i may be tempted. i only see one thing happening,the gangbangers/criminals selling bonifide POS that would possible blow up if fired. and buying a better working gun and ammo for it. most of what was shown on the news with the philly buy back years ago,looked like .38 and .357 snubbies missing grips or trigger guards, covered with rust and pitting. cutdown shotguns missing the fore ends too.


New member
The deal here is to show that only 'criminal people' would actually want to keep their firearms.

That 'law abiding' citizens would all be ready to give up their guns if there were laws set to do that.

The media will darn sure show those guns being collected and melted,but they will fight like hell to not show a afro American male lawfully using a firearm to save his family or a lawfully concealing handgun owner coming to the aid of a policeman.

It's a game of perception and mind control to the media.

I find it really stupid that the media always crys about free speech and does'nt get it that when all the guns are taken from law abiding Americans so to will all the rights be forfiet as well.

It almost looks like the free speech right has gone when you can't even lawfully advertise in a newspaper if they decide they won't run your gun ads.

It's anti gun propaganda-pure and simple.


New member
The good news: Some of those weapons were probably defective and unsafe to shoot. Old rusted weapons that could have blown some bodies hand off.

The Bad news: Some of those weapons were probably weapons used in crimes. Its not often you can get the cops to offer to destroy the evidence for you.