Cite the Constitutional authority


Moderator Emeritus

Enumerated Powers Act
picks up steam
Would require Congress to cite constitutional
authority for every bill

By Julie Foster
© 2001

Next month, a House Judiciary subcommittee is expected
to consider a simple measure in Congress that would
require all legislation to include a constitutional citation of

Sponsored by Rep. John Shadegg, R-Ariz., the
one-paragraph proposal's operative sentence states,
"Each Act of Congress shall contain a concise and
definite statement of the constitutional authority relied
upon for the enactment of each portion of that Act."

Called the Enumerated Powers Act, this is the measure's
fourth introduction into Congress. H.R. 175, this year's
version of the proposal, currently has 26 cosponsors.

Shadegg said he introduced the measure "to continue the
fight against a federal government that is too big and is
involved in too many areas which are beyond its
constitutional authority. The federal government can no
longer ignore the 10th Amendment and run roughshod
over the rights and authority the Constitution preserves to
the states and to the people respectively."

Rest of article

Christopher II

New member
It won't pass.
It won't even come up for a vote.
But still, one must give credit to Rep. Shadegg for having the spine to stand up and do the right thing. Good on him, and on his cosponsors. Perhaps, given time and effort, this bill can become a reality.



New member
Don't give up!

It might not go anywhere but we should sure do what we can to try and make it go somewhere. If each member of this board sent a message to the people holding it in committee I would bet it would at least come up for a vote. If we then notified all our congress critters there is a good chance it might go somewhere. 10,000 people all commenting on one issue is about 9,950 people more than normally comment. Come on we hold the big stick here, it's time to wield it. Don't give up the fight before it's fought.

I would be happy to write a form letter that people could cut and paste, but I suspect there are some other more eloquent members of this board that could do a far better job than I. Any takers?

I will see if I can't compile a list of people that we should be contacting. This would be a great bill. Lets see just how much power "the people" still have...


New member
Who are the ones holding it in committe, what are their addresses??? I want to fire up the letter maker :D

I know who my congrasses are.


New member
ok, what I can find...

Current status of H.R. 175: Sent to the House Judiciary Committee’s subcommittee on the Constitution.

Subcommittee on the Constitution:
Phone: (202) 226-7680

Chair: Steve Chabot, OH, Republican
The Honorable Steve Chabot
129 Cannon HOB
Washington, DC 20515-3501
Phone: (202) 225-2216


  • William L. Jenkins, TN, Republican
    The Honorable William L. Jenkins
    1708 Longworth HOB
    Washington, DC 20515-4201
    Phone: (202) 225-6356
  • Lindsey O. Graham, SC, Republican
    The Honorable Lindsey O. Graham
    1429 Longworth HOB
    Washington, DC 20515-4003
    Phone: (202) 225-5301
  • Spencer Brachus, AL, Republican
    The Honorable Spencer Bachus
    442 Cannon HOB
    Washington, DC 20515-0106
    Phone: (202) 225-4921
  • John N. Hostettler, IN, Republican
    The Honorable John N. Hostettler
    1507 Longworth HOB
    Washington, DC 20515-1408
    Phone: (202) 225-4636
  • Melissa A. Hart, PA, Republican
    The Honorable Melissa A. Hart
    1508 Longworth HOB
    Washington, DC 20515-3804
    Phone: (202) 225-2565
  • Lamar S. Smith, TX, Republican
    The Honorable Lamar S. Smith
    2231 Rayburn HOB
    Washington, DC 20515-4321
    Phone: (202) 225-4236
  • Asa Hutchinson, AR, Republican
    The Honorable Asa Hutchinson
    1421 Longworth HOB
    Washington, DC 20515-0403
    Phone: (202) 225-4301
  • Jerrold Nadler, NY, Democrat
    The Honorable Jerrold Nadler
    2334 Rayburn HOB
    Washington, DC 20515-3208
    Phone: (202) 225-5635
  • Barney Frank, MA, Democrat
    The Honorable Barney Frank
    2252 Rayburn HOB
    Washington, DC 20515-2104
    Phone: (202) 225-5931

  • John Conyers, Jr., MI, Democrat
    The Honorable John Conyers, Jr.
    2426 Rayburn HOB
    Washington, DC 20515-2214
    Phone: (202) 225-5126
  • Robert C. Scott, VA, Democrat
    The Honorable Robert C. Scott
    2464 Rayburn HOB
    Washington, DC 20515-4603
    Phone: (202) 225-8351

  • Melvin L. Watt, NC, Democrat
    The Honorable Melvin L. Watt
    2236 Rayburn HOB
    Washington, DC 20515-3312
    Phone: (202) 225-1510

The chair and seven of the members are republicans, and only 5 of the members are democrats...

Dave R

New member
This is a GREAT bill! Great way to get legislators to read the constitution, if nothing else. I'm happy to see my rep. as a co-sponsor.

Now we need TFLers from:

Washington, DC
South Carolina
New York
North Carolia

to write your Representatvies on the comittee and get them to send this to the floor with a "do pass" recommendation.


New member
Since we are talking fantasy, let's enrich it.

How 'bout adding a provision that says every law, EVERY LAW passed will have sunset provisions. I just found out today that our much ballyhooed tax cut has a 10 year sunset, meaning all provisions reset to what existed before the law was passed. How come it is tax cuts have sunsets but tax spending is indefinite?????

P*ssed of taxpayers want to know why.

Bob Locke

New member
Ron Paul has introduced a similar bill every single year that he's been in Washington. He's been blocked by, you guessed it sports fans, the Republican leadership.

The thing that gives me a small amount of hope on this one is that Lindsay Graham and John Hostetler are on the committee.

To say that I would love to see them actually pass this would be an understatement, but it would also be tantamount to them admitting that they've been ignoring the 10th amendment on a regular, ongoing basis for the last hundred years or so, which is why I won't be holding my breath.

Jim V

New member
John Conyers Jr. would not vote for the bill for any reason. He is so far to the left, his car can't make right turns.


New member
Form Letter

Ok, ahenery, write it up, and I will clip and paste, add my own 2 cents, and send it off.
I try not to let a single week go buy without writing to congress on taxes, guns, and freedom.


New member
Bush needs to pick this up and make sure it doesn't die!!! It needs some BIG name supporters because this is too important!



New member
Don't give up the fight before it's fought.

Right on, ahenry!!!

BTW, Ah fergit whar ah saw it, but a recent story pointed out that most legislators get so much email that they aren't reading it anymore. Send it anyway!!! But also, please Send it snailmail!!!! It will get more respect!

Stephen Ewing

New member
Um, correct me if I'm wrong, but the one they've been using for all their mischief in the past was Article I, section 3, clause 17 (IIRC) the "elastic clause" that says Congress can make all laws they deem "necessary and proper."

Am I missing something, or does this bill not do anything to keep them from using the exact same blank check they have used for the last 200 years?


Bob Locke

New member
To make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the government of the United States, or in any department or officer thereof.

That's not a"blank check" as I read it. It says that the Congress can legislate on those things over which the Constitution gives them authority. Everything over and above that is un-Constitutional.

But that assumes that they actually read and abide by the Constitution, which we all know they don't.


New member

Congress already does this most of the time, albiet in very general terms typically in an Act's preamble. Pre-Lopez, they could simply cite the Commerce Clause for everything. That's getting tougher, thankfully.


New member
This should properly be titled the "Take my power to author as many unconstitutional and extraconstitutional laws as I wish" law of 2001. That's the way they will read it regardless of the title.