Citadel M-1911 full size... thoughts?


New member
Well, there it is. I decided not to ask him why he was selling. Didn't want him to change his mind. :). This is a nice pistol. The trigger is fantastic on this thing! Now I can say I have a 1911.

Can't wait to shoot her.


New member
Congrats on your new pistol. That is a good price if you know the history. Now you need to post photos and a range report.


New member
I detail stripped her tonight; glad I did. There was some grime in places that shouldn't have grime. :)ImageUploadedByTapatalk1339118640.107835.jpg

We'll be shooting on Sunday.


New member
my Citadel 1911

I paid $550 tax and all for mine NIB. I took it to the range last Sunday. After a few mags to get to know her I stretched her out as far as the lane at H&H here in OKC would go and still managed to keep 4 out of 8 in the 2 inch bullseye at 20yards. The other 4 stayed within the 7 ring "call it 4.5 inch circle" . I'm convinced that the 4 flyers were operator error as 20 yards is a long shot with a 5 inch barrel for my 40 yr old eyes.
Bottom line is this El cheapo 1911 shoots better than I do. The sights were spot on right out of the box and 8 rounds in a 1.25 inch ragged hole at 15 feet was easily repeatable. I'd call these little Philippino pistols the best 8 bangs for the Buck on sale today. The finish is a little cheap and there are some tool marks inside the pistol but nothing that can't be cleaned up with a little rouge and some effort. I'm going to hot blue mine and add ebony smooth finish grips with a cross inlaid in them and a white gold bead to the front site before I pronounce her a finished piece but for a beer budget 1911 you made an excellent choice. Have fun and stay safe.