Circulating election jokes divert suspicion


New member
I've seen many Florida election jokes since the election. Most imply that Florida voters are inept. I think, however, that it's not a failure on the part of the voters to vote correctly. I believe instead that someone, perhaps a diehard Gore fan, spoiled Bush ballots by punching Buchanan's name. This spoils the ballot since it's punched twice.

If you believe the spin that certain Democrats and the media have put on the results in Florida, then tried and true Democratic voters failed twice to punch the 'Gore' selection on the same ballot. Yeah, right. I believe that someone instead took stacks of Bush ballots and made them worthless by adding another hole. This is much more plausible. Creating a 'voter error' story and accepting this 'confusion theory' immediately as fact by putting people in front of the cameras diverts suspicion and concern away from the more plausible and unmentioned theory of voter fraud.

With all of these jokes going around, these jokes somehow 'validate' the far-fetched claim of 'voter error' each time that they are circulated. I find it hard to laugh and very hard to believe that so many people made the exact same error and failed to select 'their' candidate twice on the same ballot. It sounds much more like FRAUD to me. Just because the media purports that voter error was a problem, one doesn't need to swallow this theory without thinking about the alternative and the chance of it actually being true.



New member
I would think the cause of the 3000 third party votes would be crystal clear also... but apparently not....

The guy was only expected to get 500 votes, right? Okay, now let's suppose I'm one of Dr. Bore's henchmen. We get together who knows how many thousand ballots. We (myself and my fellow conspierators) put our 12 IQ points together and say... "hey, top hole is Bush, sencond hole is our boy Gore".... so we commence to punching. 2500 votes here, 2500 votes there... maybe anywhere from 10,000 to 50,000 ballots. Now we divey them up amoungst ourselves. I cart my stack down to Palm Beach county and stuff the box. I'm a real smart bad guy, so I goto a couple difference precints.

When I enter the polling both to cast the one legal vote of my carreer... I say to myself "oh **** man, huston, we have a problem....... the second hole is the third party.... not Gore."

So we make this big hoop-la about it all to divert the trooth. There is simply no better, or more plausable explanation to why 3000 votes for the other guy poped up. My only question is- how many other ballots from the faud stack got into vote boxes in the rest of the state? And who is going to leak the info and put the b*stards away for a very long time???

-Just my 2500 mis-guided votes worth,

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
Makes more sense than alleging that a Gore supporter punched Buchanan's name in to steal votes from Bush, seeing as how the ballots in question were not double-punched Bush/Buchanan but Gore/Buchanan.

The second scenario, sadly enough, is plausible.


New member
I may be wrong, but ATT I can't support the stupid theory.

We are talking about people who handle 10 or so bingo cards while drinking coffee/tea and not skip a beat! They take their boats out on the ocean and manuveur them through storms, shallow areas and hazards. Gore and his cronies are claiming they can't properly punch a pin through a hole?

If I was a FL resident, rest assured that the demo's would never, ever see a vote from me again. Not that I vote for them anyway, but this fiasco should guarantee a republican or independent type vote upset next time.

The Plainsman

New member
As was explained earlier by one of the experts who did a statistical analysis on the liklihood of Gore gaining votes in an un-biased hand count, he believed that a number of the punchcard ballots had been altered by stacking them in groups and then using a stiff utensil, punching out the hole for Gore through a number of the cards at the same time. This would NOT alter those cards already punched for Gore, but would render invalid all the Bush, Buchanan, etc. ballots by adding a second presidential vote. Pretty simple and pretty probable.
Damn their hides. :mad:

Jim March

New member
I'm with Plainsman, in that I think grabbing 3" stacks of unsorted ballots and reaming out the "Gore hole" would account for a lot of the mischief.

I also think the supposed high Buchanan numbers are a crock - back in '96, Buchanan pulled 8,000 votes in the GOP primaries from this county, so how is 3,500 this year "unreasonable"?
