Cigarettes on TV


New member
So the discussion of freedom of speech while advertising came up in the last thread. It was a good discussion I think.

So why can cigarette companies NOT put ads in the paper or TV...but alcohol companies can...People who die while DUI die a more violent death and have the ability to take out innocent people in a flash.
I never understood that either. That was one of Bill Clinton's ideas (taking them out of sports advertising as well). Tobacco products are well known to have risks associated with their use, but I still don't see how they are as dangerous as alcohol. I also think it ridiculous for tobacco companies to be liable to people that smoke, knowing it can cause lung cancer. What a crock.


Thats why I watch Football!

No commericials :) Unless you count the brand names plastered everywhere :)

Liverpool has Carlsburg!

And tonight...friendly match England vs Germany ( I wish some Euro would tell me why German teams have names like Borussia M'gladbach)

Seriously, if government policies ALWAYS made sense they wouldnt be government policies. Like putting warnings on cigarettes...duh...Smoking causes xyz...well no kidding...Just put down:

You are going to die. If you smoke, you might die sooner. Your choice.

WildgodsavethequeenAlaska TM


New member
Perhaps it's because the anti-smoking crowd is dedicated to eliminating smoking entirely, while MADD and groups like it are not bent on banning alcohol.

The anti-smoking groups paved the way for other anti-something groups, including anti-gun groups. They demonstrated how incrementalism works.

We've gone from no smoking sections on airplanes to entire states banning smoking in public places.


New member
because, smoking is a chemical addiction that I wish I could stop doing. It's a horrible horrible thing, and once you're hooked there's no easy way out. I just bought a new carton for $36 last night... that's only 200 cigarettes. 9mm is cheaper!

Alcohol, on the other hand, isn't near as addicting. It is, just like everything else, addictive, but not near as bad as smoking. SMOKING IS A HORRIBLE HABIT I WISH I NEVER STARTED.... but damn is it hard to quit. Gave it up for 2 days was bad.

Anyone, short of an addict, can go without alcohol for a long period of time without feeling a loss like one does with a cigarette.

Though I hate it's unconstitutional nature, it's better for the kids to stop advertising smoking. It's like advertising russian roulette.


New member
"Alcohol, on the other hand, isn't near as addicting." (as tobacco)

Not sure an alcoholic would agree with that statement.

I smoked for years, decided I wanted to quit, and stopped. I'm sure the effect on each individual is different, but to me stopping smoking was not a big deal.

It has become politically correct to be anti tobacco and the same zealots would like to have the identical thing happen to gun ownership.


New member
Perhaps it's because the anti-smoking crowd is dedicated to eliminating smoking entirely, while MADD and groups like it are not bent on banning alcohol.

Very true, however, if studies were to be released to show that alcohol use (not abuse) poses the same inherent health risks as smoking does, then you could expect the same flood of anti-sentiment.

Curiosity yields evolution...satiety yields extinction.
I don't know how many politicians smoke or chew...however it seems that an inordinate amount of them on both sides of the fence do like to drink.

I gave up Copenhagen after 25 years...hasn't done a thing to me. Alcohol actually scares me though....won't hardly touch the stuff.

I would much rather put up with a chain smoker than an alcoholic anyday.

Trapper L

New member
My brother and his wife smoke, my brother in law died from alcoholism. I can't see where advertizing has had a thing to do with any of them. It is a personal choice to start the bad habits and it's a persoanl choice to quit the same. My brother in law was given the opportunity to dry out and he went thru the complete program for 6 months. As soon as he hit the streets, he went straight to a liquor store- I call that a personal choice. He regretted his choice and things he had done to the family but it was too late. I used to drink a LOT and I smoked two packs a day for years. I don't drink anymore and I don't smoke. It was a personal choice and none of the advertizing against smoking or drinking effected my decision. I just didn't have the want or need to abuse me anymore. And ya know what- I can have a bunch of fun at a party and not be plastered. It feels a lot better the next day too.


New member
Berettacougar said:
So why can cigarette companies NOT put ads in the paper or TV...but alcohol companies can...People who die while DUI die a more violent death and have the ability to take out innocent people in a flash.

Doesn't make a lot of sense, does it? I have been saying for years that alcohol is more evil than smoke, and I mean tobacco and marijuana. The effect that alcohol has on the body and mind makes it a very dangerous drug, yet it is an acceptable vice in our society when marijuana or tobacco is not. Somehow, though, smoke of all varieties has been villiafied by the majority. I don't smoke (either kind) or drink, but I think that none of the three deserve to be billed as illegal if the other two are [legal]. To me, smoke is passively dangerous, that is to say if you want to kill yourself then go right ahead. I don't want you killing me too, so don't smoke where you may encounter me. Alcohol is different. You can sit right next to me and drink a whole bottle of XXX and it doesn't affect me at all. But you will get into your car and drive into another vehicle killing several people. It all comes down to regulating behavior. Legalize it all or outright ban it all. I lean toward legalization, with the caveat being that if your actions harm anyone else, then it's curtains for you.

I just bought a new carton (of smokes) for $36 last night... that's only 200 cigarettes. 9mm is cheaper!
That should be a sig line.