Cigarette Lighters Shaped Like Guns - Got Pics?

chris in va

New member
I used to have one of those double barrel shotgun ones, can't seem to find it. Bought one for my friend that looked like a weird AR.


New member
I remember seeing those in the SEARS Christmas catalogs in the early 60's, along with cigarette making machines. Boy how times have changed.

To a kid, they looked neat, but hokey.

I went for the toy gun pages, instead! :D

The Doc is out now. :cool:
No pics, but my grandfather had a lighter that was a very close replica of a derringer when I was a kid. He used to catch me playing with it all the time.


New member
+1 to playboy. My grandfather has a table cigar lighter that is a Buteline (sp?) Colt. It is pretty sweet. I will get pictures next time I am over that way.

I got one in my glove box, a chrome Winchester 1886 with camo stock
And a HK P-7 'K3' somewhere, i's a toch with a little blue flashlight in it too..
Always get em for Christmas.
Had this Micro Uzi one made of pewter or something when I was a kid, I liked it. Felt like a real .25 in my pocket


New member
Thanks for the link teifmen1948 & pic tplumeri, fun to see those.

I had just bought some lighter fluid at Walgreens to refill my Zippo when the idea struck for the thread. I've seen a few gun lighters on TV - in bad movies and Get Smart if I remember correctly. I don't recall seeing one other than that.

Some of the derringers on that link look pretty realistic.


New member
i just picked up a double barrled shotgun that blew flame out of both barrels....lit 5 cigarettes and its already out of fluid:(


New member
I have a 1911 lighter that I picked up in Hong Kong back in the early '90s.
