Chuck Schumer and the "Evil" Accounting Lobby


New member
How the Democrats Blew It - the blame starts with Daschle and Gephardt
Fri Nov 8, 8:28 PM ET
By Doug Ireland LA Weekly Writer

When the congressional Democrats in 2000 helped scuttle a ban on accountants' simultaneously acting as consultants to the same firms they audited -- the loophole that motored Arthur Andersen's participation in the Enron crimes -- they did so because the accounting industry's puissant lobby, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, shelled out half of the $8.5 million it gave to candidates to Democrats. And the top boodler? Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, who sucked in $340,000 from AICPA and the Big 5 accounting firms -- and then lobbied against the reform proposal. No wonder the Democrats shut up on the issue.

Hey Chucko!
Can't we all agree on some COMMON SENSE accounting control?


New member
7 day waiting period for those green visor thingies they wear?

No honest man needs a file cabinet that holds more than 10 files.

These eeevile assault calculators with their low profile and dark hues must be controlled, for the children.



New member
I'm an Accountant. Specifically I'm a Financial Analyst of Darkness.

Our evil plot to take over the earth is well on its way.

You are helpless before our MIGHT!!


All your base are belong to us!


New member
Freemasons...The Trilateral commission...the council on foreign relations...and now accountants???? Man, I really need to stock up on the tinfoil - looks like I need to line the walls of my house with it just to be safe from all of you!


New member
When the congressional Democrats in 2000 helped scuttle a ban on accountants' simultaneously acting as consultants to the same firms they audited -- the loophole that motored Arthur Andersen's participation in the Enron crimes -- they did so because the accounting industry's puissant lobby, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, shelled out half of the $8.5 million it gave to candidates to Democrats[emphasis mine]. And the top boodler? Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, who sucked in $340,000 from AICPA and the Big 5 accounting firms -- and then lobbied against the reform proposal. No wonder the Democrats shut up on the issue.
So, essentially, what this article is saying is: The AICPA gave half of its lobbying money to the political party that makes up about...half...of the federal legislature. Golly. That's a heck of a scandal, there.

I don't support the Democratic Party's agenda, but barbs like this one don't serve in any way to counter it.



New member

If you sit down and look at the just the last 30 years or so you would not laugh at evil that accountants can do.

Your curbstone socialists visit local banks or convience stores and what do they get $5 to $50K. The little clerk in the back office might liberate up to several million dollars. But to steal the really big money, $10 million to $10 billion, you need CPA's, MBA's, and lastly Lawyers.

Go back and check out the major scandals in the financial world and see how many were driven by some poor smuck in a deadend job. Granted some were, Continental Illinois and Barclay's(?) come to mind but the majority were driven by the "Best And Brightest"???

Go ahead and break out the tinfoil but don't let it stop you from seeing reality.


New member
Lone stranger...I was playing off correia's post that he's and other accountants are going to take over the world.

I know what evils accountants can do (no offense correia ;) ) . I always tell my accountant that most of them would never support Income tax reform because it would cost the industry thousands and thousands of jobs.


New member
BTW, touching on what LoneStranger sez, thank goodness the accountants are taking the heat for Enron, etc., et al. I think we know who the CBO and the CFO call before they even go to lunch.:p


New member
It amazes me how stupid the Congress and DOJ really is. To think that the people in the Chicago H.Q. of Arthur Andersen & Co. (AA & Co.) had clue one about what the Dallas office was doing with Enron until it was way too late is laughable.

I worked for Arthur Andersen 20 years ago in the L.A. office. We didn't even know what was going on 25 miles away in Woodland Hills let alone across the country. Anyone who says they should have known has no clue how these firms are set up or operate.

If anyone thinks that AA & Co was the only firm doing what it did to get Enron in trouble, I have a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn. Instead of the Big 8 when I was there, there was the Big 5 and now the Big 4. I think it will end up the Big 3 like the auto makers and the networks before it's through.

It does trouble me that some of my AICPA dues went to a scumbag like Schumer. I am going to check into that. I don't think it was disclosed to me and I don't think I had any say in the matter anyway other than not to maintain my membership.

Anyway, the lawyers are to blame. They wrote the laws!


New member
Ok, as a Corporate Finance type (close cousin of the accountant.... but better looking;) ) I can't resist chiming in here.

AICPA = American Institute of Crooks Pretending to be Accountants