
James R. Burke

New member
I am sure this probably has been covered a few times, but I cant find it. Is there a real good way to check the accuarcy or your crony? It seems that someone had mentioned a bullet that had a knowen speed you could buy to shoot thru it. Thanks Jim
G'day. The same bullet in different barrel lengths will give different speeds. I think if you just get a packet (or 10) of .22 lr and put a heap over the Chrony you will get an idea of it's reliability. You could try match grade ammo, they may by more consistent.
There is a system for checking that involves .22 match ammo and a particular barrel length, but even then I believe it is only expected to be good within 50 fps. Rather than buy the right rifle and ammo, I would borrow another brand of chronograph and shoot through both simultaneously. Exchange which one is in front and which is behind. See whether they agree or not? I wound up building an old fashioned break-wire ballistic chronometer for checking chronographs, but that's more bother than most people will want to undertake. Maybe I'll make it up into a kit to sell someday?

James R. Burke

New member
Thanks for both of the ideas. I bet if you made that up that in a kit it would sell. I am sure my crony is o.k. but just would like to make sure. I like both the ideas, and I know a freind that has one. I will borrow it the next time out, and also take some 22 ammo with it. Make double sure. Thanks again. Jim