

New member
Re: chronographs
I go to the outdoor range. Need a battery operated unit. Nobody wants to wait while I set up. Never have seen anyone else at the range with one. Years ago I spent a day at an outdoor range (back in the day of paper circuits that started and stopped as each paper got cut) chronographing some loads only because it was drizzling and no body else was there.
Go to the indoor range and most (all) will not let you go beyond the firing line even during a cease fire. Insurance requirement. Plus, you would need to invest in a light system for the chrony.
Don't own or no of a piece of land I could set up on and just shoot.
So, where would I use the chrony?
Noylj said:
I go to the outdoor range. Need a battery operated unit. Nobody wants to wait while I set up.

That's the place to be, anyway. Pick a slow day or the right time and you may have the range to yourself? If that's not possible, you just need a faster setup method.

The method I use is to put up my target(s) first. With everyone back behind the line and shooting, I get the rifle on the bags and fire enough rounds to verify that it's zeroed. Next I open the bolt (I actually pull the bolt, but your option) and stick a laser bore sighter in the muzzle. Just one of the $25 jobs will do. I also have a yellow plastic ECI (empty chamber indicator) flag I stick in the chamber and upon which I have written a reminder to remove the laser before shooting. I then get the gun on the bags so the sights are lined up with the target I want to shoot during testing and propped up so it will stay there.

I get the chronograh set up on its tripod (for the CED; stands for the Oehler) behind the line and ready to carry out.

When the next cease-fire is called to change targets, I flip on the bore sighter and don't have to walk all the way to the targets. I just haul the chronograph out five long paces (15 ft) in front of the bench, plunk it down and adjust its position and height until I see the laser is striking the palm of my hand held in the middle of the screen area for both front and back screens. It's about as quick as walking down to change the target. There is no going back and forth to the bench to look through the sights to check screen position, though I would double check that the gun didn't move when you return to the bench.
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New member
I know what you're talking about. 1st thing is my local range has gotten crowded and I don't want my screens out 10 or 15 feet in front of the firing line. Afraid it will get shot by neighbors on the line, benches are close together. Second thing is now we have a range officer and the range rules are that no one touches, handles firearms when a clear is called plus you are required to stand behind a yellow line during the clear except to go down range and set up targets. So you can't fiddle with your guns and screens during a clear. If you can safely do this it might work? If you can get the bench at the end of the firing line, you could set up your chrono just outside of your bench. Just step out and shoot standing thru your screens. If you have a range officer you'd need to clear it with them 1st. This would work if all you want to test is speeds of your loads. Only alternative is to find a shooting friend with access to land you can use for your tests. I'm lucky to have access to the family farm and a few friends with land but I have to drive about 125 miles round trip to do some chrono testing. Unclenick's idea is a good alternative, using a laser.


New member
Per Unclenick:

- Use Outdoor. Indoor is beset w/ all sorts of problems

- Pre-set gun on the sandbags you're are going to use (or at the level you're going to shoot at), and get it pointed at (in general direction of) the target you're going to use. (If it's at 50-75 yards, the general direction will so since the screen/window guides on modern chronographs are pretty wide.)

- Place chrono close in... 9-10 ft max (three good paces) is all the distance you need. (If you're at a range where someone could cross shoot that badly, time to find a range with a better class of clientele)

- Recommend using a single good/solid tripod-mounted chrono setup as it adjusts up/down/sideways/twists/cants all-in-one shot. (So easy even a caveman can do it -- even w/ my Oehler.) Never touch the gun -- just sight behind/down the pre-positioned barrel to roughly center in the sensor guide window. Shouldn't take more the 2-3 adjustments/sightings with the chrono/stand only. (Everyone else is still well downrange putting up targets/fiddling around still).

- Fine tune bags/bench/alignment after firing line goes hot

(I REALLY like the bore sighter idea. I'm gonna go get me one.)

This whole process shouldn't take any time at all -- especially w/ a (solid) tripod mount