Christmas Gift!

XD Gunner

New member

My Father handed down his Mk 2 (he also bought a new 10/22 for me) for Christmas this year. It was totally unexpected, but he knew that I had been wanting one and planning on purchasing one early next year, he decided that he didn't use it enough to matter, so he gave it to me. The pistol is in almost new condition, with maybe 500 rounds being fired through it total. I remember when he purchased it new.

I love this gun, and I'm extremely happy and proud that I can say that my Mk2 was my Father's once!

On that note, my Brother is a bit of a shotgunner, and Dad gave him his 870 Wingmaster. Another gun that hasn't been used in years. However, he is planning on restocking his safe with a .22WMR and probably a Springfield Armory XD9.

Flint Ridge

New member
Welcome to your new favorite gun I shot one in August and now have 3 of the Mark II's. Silly fun. The family history part is the best. You will shoot more in a month than Dad did total!


New member
Congrats, you will love the ruger. My father gave me an old Mark I for Christmas when I was kid and it is the one gun that I will never get rid of.

XD Gunner

New member
Welcome to your new favorite gun I shot one in August and now have 3 of the Mark II's. Silly fun. The family history part is the best. You will shoot more in a month than Dad did total!

Lol, of those 500 or so rounds, I probably put 300 of them through it! I love the gun, and always have. It will probably be a safe queen though, as I don't want to put any wear on it at all.


New member
It will quickly become your favorite gun.

When i was 16, ( i know it was not legal) my father bought me a Mk II Comp Slab Slide. I will bet that i have put 50,000 rounds or more threw that gun and it still is my favorite gun i own! It is dead nuts accurate and reliable. You cannot become a good handgunner without learning on a 22 unless you are a millionaire! A 22 is as essintial as a red rider, in becoming a great shot.

i still carry it in the the truck with the confidence that if a bad guy confronted me i could put 3 rounds, (in a quarter) on his forehead. i dont know that i will ever be as accurate with any other gun i own.

Here Kitty-Kitty!

Stipping it is still a b@#$H! Got to hold your mouth just right!


It will probably be a safe queen though, as I don't want to put any wear on it at all.
That gun's made to be a shooter. If you take care of it, it will last a long, LONG time even if you shoot it a lot.

XD Gunner

New member
That gun's made to be a shooter. If you take care of it, it will last a long, LONG time even if you shoot it a lot.

I want it to look NEW forever though, I know that it's impossible, but ya'know.

I do love shooting it, always have, even after I graduated to "big boy" calibers, it and my new 10/22 remind me of what it's like to be a kid again. Shooting a .22 at pop bottles and hanging out with my Dad, I think that was a better than the actual guns themselves.


New member
When I got into shooting, my Dad gave me a Ruger Mk I, a Colt Woodsman (1st series), a Remington 552 Speedmaster, and a 12ga 870 Wingmaster. Not all at the same time of course. Dad's a collector while I'm a shooter. He's got several others that I'd love to put some rounds through as well.