Christian Science Monitor on guns?

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
Today, I got an ad in the mail for the Christian Science Monitor. It had small blurbs for upcoming stories.

One was "Why are Americans Buying More Guns?"

The blurb suggests a change in gun attitudes and that even liberals are buying guns. The country turns to guns in times of turmoil. They find it disturbing

Anybody subscribe to the Monitor. Searching their accessible web materials didn't bring it up.

If you do get it, could you zap me or post the article. If you get a paper copy and read - a summary?


IIRC, the Monitor has historically been in favor of gun control, up to and including the prohibition of private ownership of firearms. I have no doubts they find the modern trend of increased gun ownership "distrubing." :barf:


New member
I went to school in Boston, and I seem to recall the CSM had a huge headquarters there. If their leadership is made up of Massachusetts Liberals, I can easily see them being a rather anti-gun organization.


New member
Anybody subscribe to the Monitor. Searching their accessible web materials didn't bring it up.
I read it from time to time. They lean a bit to the left, but in a cautious and reasoned manner.


New member
Well patrick got it half right:

"This is most evident on store shelves. Select types of ammunition – ranging from the .308 caliber typical in self-defense guns to the .223 caliber usually associated with assault-style weapons – are nearly impossible to get in many parts of the country."

I didn't know .308 is typical in self-defense guns.
