Choice for bedside


New member
For several years, my bedside pistol has been a Ruger P345. Flick off the safety and pull the trigger. It fits my hand well. But now I have a Glock 20 with 15 round magazine. So I am considering using the Glock for the bedside. The Gen 4 fits my hand reasonably well- but not as well as the Ruger. Thankfully, I have not needed the bedside piece for any emergency. I sleep on the upper level and anyone breaking in must come up the stairs to get to my location.
Some here probably will not like either of these pistols. It is highly likely that I will not buy any more firearms.
So which do you suggest? If something else is a better choice, say so and if I have it, it will be considered. Thanks for your time.


New member
Either pistol should be fine. Use the one you like more.
Do you keep your bed side pistol in a holster?
I like my HD/SD pistol in a holster even when off my waist -- helps keep my trigger finger off the trigger.


New member
Personally mine is a S&W model 686 ( .357 mag ) in a 6"...( 6 rounds should be plenty )...
But you should use whatever suits you the best ....and probably the gun you shoot the best.


New member
Interesting that the holster should be mentioned. I do keep it in a nylon holster. Was planning to ditch the holster but the comment about protecting the trigger is spot on.
The Glock holds more rounds and has no safety. That combined with no holster should make access faster.
I failed to mention that no person under the age of 30 has ever been in this part of my house. No grandchildren and my youngest child is now over age 45. All my children live at other places and none of them have keys to my house. And the wife refuses to touch a firearm.


New member
Since the glock doesn't have a safety why not keep the ruger with the safety off? I'm a big ruger fan and own multiple p series pistols and I carry a p 89 daily. I prefer an American gun over European simply because I was born in America and not Europe, but you should choose the gun that your most comfortable with. My guess is during an invasion your heart will be racing and you won't be in te right state if mind, and any functioning gun will do if you know how to use it. Fearing for your life and being partial to a certain gun at the range are two different things.


New member
Of the two I would go with the Ruger. Flip off the safety and you're ready to fire. But that is what I am most comfortable with. Go with what you are most comfortable with. BTW, I would protect the trigger if you go with the Glock. I leave my gun laying on top of my book which stays in the same spot when the light goes off.


Whatever gun you are most comfortable with...

Strongly advise a $50 set of electronic earmuffs along side... takes a second to slip on, and IMPROVES hearing by amplifying and instantly cutting out loud sounds.

Loud sounds can debilitate or confuse (think flash bang).

A gun fight, or even just touching off a few high caliber shots inside an average room would be painful and could cause long term damage to hearing.


New member
I agree with others, use whichever gun you are more comfortable with and shoot better.

The Glock holds more rounds and has no safety. That combined with no holster should make access faster.

Was planning to ditch the holster but the comment about protecting the trigger is spot on.

You really don't need to engage the safety on the Ruger, it is a DA/SA pistol as you already know. The first DA pull is like a revolver, which is why you do not see safeties on revolvers since they are not needed. None of my DA/SA pistols ever have the safety engaged. I don't keep mine in a holster either, and being a DA/SA you don't have to worry so much about protecting the trigger. I cut the cheap gun case in half that my Beretta came in and just leave it in that.
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