CHL Ohio in the car


New member
I am looking for a CHL solution while in the car in Ohio. The rules say it has to be in plain view, secured in a holster or in a locking case. In otherwords, in my gun case locked on the front seat is ok, however it sounds (and according to my attorney) that holster strong side (right for me) it is not in plain view of an officer walking up to the drivers side window of the vehicle.

The locked case seems to be my only solution, the problem is that kind of negates the value of the gun when on the road. It would take some time to unlock the case and get the gun if needed. Realy if I need the gun it is already to late to be unlocking cases...

Ohio Annie

New member
You can use a fanny pack with a luggage lock. Master makes a luggage lock that has a quick release feature if you know the secret. Home Depot sells them. You can wear it in front over your seat belt.

I was told by my instructor that the OHP does not like holster carry if the visibility is obscured by the console, etc.


New member
I use a clip holster with a small auto and clip it to the shoulder belt. It slides down into my lap, but it's in plain sight.


New member
The term "in plain view" was added to the Ohio CHL knowing that it would cause much grief but to get the bill passed it was left in. Ultimately this wording will end up being clarified by the courts. All Ohio law enforcement officers are aware of this and will be somewhat lenient in its application. I carry in a belt holster on my strong side which can be seen IF I turn toward the drivers side window about 1/4 turn. IF I am ever stopped I will do this before the officer gets to the car and tell them that I am armed and have a CHL.
I hope this helps but only time will resolve this problem, I understand that a law suit is already in the works by one of the pro carry groups.

old cop.