Ching Sling on a lever gun?

Greg Bell

New member
Hey guys,

I am looking into getting a Ching Sling put on my Marlin Guide Gun. Has anyone ever done this? Any potential problems once it is installed? It seems like it might put pressure on the mag tube and possibly the barrel.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Any change in stress on a barrel can affect the point of impact. If you do a final sight-in check with the ching sling after the usual benchrest sight-in, and always shoot with the same tension, you'll most likely be happy as a bug. :)

I'm just guessing, but IMO any change would be likely to be no more than an inch or two, for varying of the sling pressure from zero to "something".


New member
If you have never used one, it's difficult to explain the advantages without photos (note to self: another photo project!)

The Ching Sling allows you to sling the rifle in a way that is comfortable to carry, yet immediately available. It includes a loop that permits your off-side arm to put tension on sling for more accurate shooting.

I favor it because when worn and used properly, your rifle can be slung alongside the body and brought up for immediate use without "unslinging" the rifle. It can also be moved from the side-slung position to a horizontal position across the chest - and remain that way without the use of the hands.

It's quite effective and well worth the investment.

Old Grizz

New member
Thanks for explaination guys, now I know what your talking about. It should work on a levergun. Can you put it around the barrel intead of the magazine tube though the tubes are pretty sturdy.


New member
It'll work



Yep, it will work on a Lever gun. You need to make some modifications to the forestock to have a stud stick out enough.

Andy (ching sling maker )


New member
I have a ching sling on my steyr scoput and it is a fantastic piece of equipment. It is so good in fact that I am surprised more manufacturers do not use the system. I can honestly say I didn't think one could be properly mounted to a lever gun. Seeing one that is done that way, I would be very interested to hear about the modifications to make it work. I think it would be a great addition to my marlin 1895G.

Greg Bell

New member
Anybody who doesn't know Andy Langlois above should know that he is the go-to guy on Ching Slings and other leather stuff. He recently had a great write-up in SWAT.

Greg Bell

New member
Also, I used to have two Steyr Scouts. One which I foolishly sold, the second I sold to finance a machine gun. Both were excellent and both had Ching Slings (one a Langlois). This does seem like the way to go. The Col. was right (as usual).