Chinese Students: Chairman Mao is like Jesus to us!


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Students see red over Mao send-up

THURSDAY , 18 MAY 2006

A mob of angry Chinese students protested at Massey University yesterday after Chairman Mao was lampooned on the cover of the student newspaper.

Students likened the cover of Chaff, which this week satirises women's magazine Cosmopolitan, to the anti-Muslim cartoons circulated around the world in February.

Tempers flared outside Massey's library as about 50 Chinese Massey and UCOL students and a Chinese lecturer confronted Chaff staff.

Students said the issue is racist and the last straw, as many have also suffered verbal abuse on the streets of Palmerston North.

Tianxiang Mao said it was common for Asian students to be lambasted with racial slurs when driving.

"People yell `F-ing Asians' when we are in the car driving down the road. I don't say anything. What can I do?"

UCOL student Xing Tang said Chaff staff are ignorant of Chinese culture.

"Chairman Mao is like Jesus to us," he said on the verge of tears.

"We pay $20,000 in fees and a Musa fee (which funds Chaff) and this is how we are treated."

Student Ronnie Cao likened the cover to the anti-Muslim cartoons.

"This is discrimination against us."

It will have a huge effect on New Zealand's reputation, Mr Cao said.

However, compared with the United States, New Zealand is still considered a safe place for Chinese parents to send their children, he said.

Yang Chenglin said students are proud of their Chinese culture.

"Mao gave us independence. He's no more a killer than George Washington or George W Bush.

"He is the father of China - without Mao, there is no China."

Mao Zedong, or Chairman Mao, was the founder of the People's Republic of China and one of the most prominent figures in Chinese history.

He is also revered as a great spiritual leader and cultural symbol.

Students gathered in tight circles outside the library yesterday, signing a petition demanding an apology.

Students also want remaining copies pulled out of circulation.

Tensions flared as agitated students confronted Chaff editor Edrei Valath and news editor Matt Russell.

"It was an arbitrary decision to run the cover of Mao," Mr Russell said, adding it was intended as a joke.

"We were looking for a picture of Marx or Lenin and we couldn't use Castro because he had a beard and it just didn't work. I didn't think it would offend."

Mr Valath said students are "enraged for the sake of being enraged".

"It is ironic - in China, the students would have no forum in which to complain."

He said Chinese students studying here should be made aware a good sense of humour is part of Kiwi culture.

But students likened the situation to a racial slur expressed in Victoria University's latest student magazine Salient. The "Top Five Things to Be Wary of" rated the Chinese at No 5.

Dogs also featured in the same line-up, the students said.

Salient editor James Robinson said the Top Five column and the Chaff cover are both "culturally insensitive".

"We are getting hate mail by the minute," Mr Robinson said.

Salient has been in strife over the Top Five column and the item has appeared on a Chinese news website.

Massey University finance lecturer Fei Wu, who's Chinese, said students deserve an explanation.

"This shows no respect to our people.

"There are 1000 Chinese students here who spend a lot of money to study here and this is an insult.

"Students come here for a better environment to get away from class and culture differences. This doesn't solve the problem."

However, Chinese Massey student Tony Song said protesters were being "too sensitive".

"It's been done to the Queen before. I'm not offended at all. I was laughing."

Massey University international office director Bruce Graham said the Chaff cover is in "extremely poor taste". However, he accepted Chaff has editorial independence.

"This shows a lack of respect. Chinese students are an important part of the university's community."

Mr Graham has suggested to Chaff an apology is required.


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Why do the Chinese need to go to New Zealand to "get a better education"? Are they describing their own culture as "class conscious"? It would seem that they, and their parents are being hypocritical here. If the current Chinese society, brought to them by Chairman Mao, is indeed class or caste based, and prevents a good education, why would they love him? Seems to me that he was another pedophile, like many of the leaders of the cult of mohammad.

If the Chinese have a right to demand apologies over a picture of Mao, then America has a REALLY long list of offenses to discuss with the Chinese media, who have long portrayed us offensively in cartoon form for political purposes.


New member
BOOOHOOOO!!! Don't like the ability to have open discussions(free thought)? GO HOME!!! And while yer at it, BITE ME. Leave your emotional BS baggage elsewhere. "Mao's like Jesus to us".... man, how can I reply to that? You students should study a little bible. I don't recall the part where Jesus threw a country into abject slavery, causing the deaths of an estimated 80,000,000 people. Too bad you aren't allowed to criticize your own government. Is there ANY fun to be had in China?


New member
I think I will remember to thank Jesus for not living in China next time I pray..or more appropiately, thank him for living in America...amen


New member
Ya know what, I am a Christian and I am deeply offended by all the atheists who badmouth my religion. All the lampooning, insults, cartoons, and perversions of my religion are insults to me and many others. However, I was also taught to turn the other cheek to such insults. Jesus responded to hate with love and such it is only right for me to lead his example and do the same when people spew their hate.

Since I have to put of with these insults and such, so do you. It's really not that bad once you get used to it. A persons religion is their own responcibility and to force others to respect it is wrong. To promote it is certianly OK, but if they tell you to F-off, then move on.

/rant off


New member
I wonder if students really said something like that... If they really got that upset over a cartoon about Mao... Or if the gov't just invented the response in another act of self-glorification?

Wolfe... (Kill a commie for mommy.)


New member
Id hardly compare a communist dictator to jesus.its night and day.folks can believe what they want here in the US,they can laugh at other people in the US,they can poke fun at political misadventures and (perish the though)bring to light wrongs of the political process and demand change.

"lighten up francis" we're free to be opinionated if we like here.:D


New member
Well, both Mao and Jesus were into that not eating thing except under Mao one went without food for much longer than 40 days. As well, Jesus just said to sell your cloak for a sword, not starve millions upon millions to build up the Peoples Liberation Army.:p


New member

IMO, I think this is no worse than other ethnic groups grasping at anything to force PC on others.

"Chairman Mao is like Jesus to us," he said on the verge of tears.

"We pay $20,000 in fees and a Musa fee (which funds Chaff) and this is how we are treated."

He can save his cash by going back to the communist state he's crying about.

NOTE : I am of Asian decent.


New member
So true hksigwalther

Jesus: Forgave the sinners, cured the cripples, and taught forgiveness and tolerance. Extra points for rising from the dead and turning water into wine.

Mao: Genocide, taught hate and intolerance, destroyed family values, as well as lied outright to his "followers".

Hmm, I wonder what "religion" people take more seriously.:rolleyes: Heck, if you want to believe in Mao go right ahead. Just don't expect me to put up with you pushing your religion on me.


New member
You love Mao so much? go the hell back to where you came from and stay there, and don't sell any cheap knock-offs of American products whiile they are at it.

These people are the reason why Asians are so disliked in our area...and I have to take the **** for their idiocy.