Chinese officials drown healthy infant in front of parents

Jack 99

New member
This is the end result when you make the State your God. This isn't necessarily strictly abortion-related, but some of you will undoubtedly note that the forced abortion didn't take. The State is, indeed, a fearful master.


Chinese kill baby to enforce birth


CHINA has been shaken
by one of the most
horrifying cases of
official infanticide in
recent memory after
family planners drowned
a healthy baby in front of
its parents.

The actions of the
officials in the village of
Caidian, in the central
Hubei province - carried out as part of China's one-child
policy - caused a public outcry which forced the Hubei
government to pledge that those responsible would be
punished, a rarity in such cases.

The baby's mother, identified by Chinese newspapers as
Mrs Liu, was expecting her fourth child. Couples in the
countryside, where 70 per cent of China's people live, often
have more than one child without punishment, despite the
policy. But in Mrs Liu's case she was forcibly injected with
a saline solution to induce labour and kill the child.

However, the baby was born healthy, to the surprise of
family planning officials who had ordered the injection,
which ordinarily destroys the infant's nervous system.

Immediately after the birth, they ordered the father to kill
the child outside the hospital. He refused to obey but was
so scared of further punishment that he left the crying baby
behind in an office building, where it was found by a doctor
shortly afterwards.

The doctor took the baby back to the hospital and reunited
it with its mother. He removed the umbilical cord,
administered vaccinations and then sent the family home.

Five officials were waiting for them in their living room.
During the ensuing argument, the officials grabbed the
baby, dragged it out of the house and drowned it in a paddy
field in front of its parents.

Such was the public outcry in Hubei that people in Caidian
contacted newspapers in the nearby metropolis of Wuhan
on the Yangtze River. This led to national media attention
which forced the Hubei government to pledge that it would
punish the guilty officials.

Since its implementation in the early 1970s, the one-child
policy has been dogged by allegations that family planning
officials force those who break the rules into having
abortions. The policy was introduced to ensure that China,
a land historically beset by flood and famine, could feed all
its people - now exceeding 1.1 billion - from a mere 7 per
cent of the world's arable land.

Last month Zhang Weiqing, Beijing's Family Planning
Minister, said he would not tolerate officials abusing women
in order to achieve birth control targets. He said: "We have
a strict policy. We deal with every violation by officials
seriously." He was responding to media reports that in
Nanhai, Guangdong, family planning officials held pregnant
women in detention centres for violating the one-child

The Government has recently restated its full commitment
to the policy despite the abuses.The official Xinhua news
agency commented: "Without taking effective measures to
slow down the rapid growth of its population, China would
have 300 million people more than the current figure."

A foreign demography expert said: "There are reports of
people who have more than one child being beaten up,
ostracised by the community and their houses demolished,
but it is not condoned by the central government."

The doctor who tended the baby in Caidian said: "How
could they be so cruel? The child could have been looked
after in a children's welfare home. How could they do it?"


New member
Doesnt something akin to that happen in America, or atleast did. What about the Government forced Sterilization of Americans? America is no better in some areas than China. Yet the media protrays China as the "root of human rights abuses". Why dont they tell public what the American Government has done to the American People over the years? Or is that just a BIG no no?

Dead [Black Ops]


New member
Be sure to look for the new toy sensation, "Bubbly Babies" at the Chinese inventory section of your local Mega-Mart.

Several complaints were received initially by Mega-Mart company spokesmen, but they decided that profits were all that mattered so they hung up on the callers.


New member
Dead I dont think most americans care, "as long as it wasnt me", mentality. "Where's the tv remote and my large pepsi!"

Surprised the demos arent upset, that kid had the potential to be a large contributor to the DNC.

With guns there, is a good chance that kid would have lived, or at least taken a few with him/her.I wonder sometimes why these villagers just dont take out these scumbags and bury them out in the patties somewhere? Guess its easier said than done in the land of the reds.


New member
Brought to you by the sponsors of our Commander in Heat.

Sam I am, grn egs n packin

Nikita Khrushchev predicted confidently in a speech in Bucharest, Rumania on June 19, 1962 that: " The United States will eventually fly the Communist Red Flag...the American people will hoist it themselves."


New member
There's no way that a Most Favored Nation would do that . Is there????????
I don't know how many of you nice people are in warehousing or transportation but before I quit driving truck several months back I was amazed . The warehouses I saw with stuff from China stacked to the ceiling in rows as far as you could see . With half of 50 or 100 or more dock doors unloading containers from China and the other half loading for distribution all over the U.S.and Canada and Mexico .24 hours a day .
They kill freedom loving people , they kill babies , I'm glad we have a strong Gov't. to keep them from killing us . We do ........don't we ????



Staff Emeritus
Once the people MUST obey the omniscient, omnipotent government, womb to tomb care
can be quite short term. Just another “benefit” of gun control. :mad:

Either you believe in the Second Amendment or you don't.
Stick it to 'em! RKBA!


New member
I am thourally disgusted.

I'm also going to print off that article and hang it on the wall at work.



New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>What about the Government forced Sterilization of Americans?[/quote]
What are you refering to here?

Jack 99

New member

We used to sterilize (forcibly on occasion) various groups not deemed fit to reproduce. Mentally ill/retarded most often. Then in Vermont or New Hampshire there was a crew of doctors, in the 20s I believe, that felt that Adolph & Company were on to something in Germany. They got laws passed to basically pay the "lesser folk" of the state to be sterilized. They identified families they felt were unfit to reproduce and had them sterilized in exchange for a few bucks. I think the philosophy is called Eugenics. Better society through selective breeding, basically.

We've got plenty to answer for ourselves, its true, but we're a far cry from the Chi-coms.


New member
I try not to buy Chinese products but that means I can not shop at K-Mart. I just came back from our large furniture store and could not believe that 90% of the furniture had Made in China stickers on them. Including the Early American reproductions. My Eddie Bauer down jacket and shoes are made in China,my TV,rugs,stereo, answering machine(just broke), toaster oven, electric drill,million watt flashlight,lamps, it is like I am living in China in my own home. NO MORE! I have made up my mind not just because they have missilies aimed at us but because of their veiws towards our fellow humans. I will however eat Chinese food :) The price is right but the quality is like what used to be called Made in Japan after the second world war. It is poor quality. The Chinese were having aproblem with beer bottles blowing up under the pressure of the beer and blinding people in China. They recycled the glass too many times and it was nor as strong as virgin glass. I do not think it was imported with that glass to the US. I know people like the Norinco(?) 45s and the only reason they last is that the 45 is such a low pressure round. The metalurgy in the current Chinese 45s is most likely equal to that which was produced in the US in 1911 at best. As China gets stronger the time gets closer that we will have some military conflict with them.It is only a matter of time IMO.


New member
If America ever went to war with China we'd be screwed, they basically make all our stuff these days. We need to stop doing business with them. We need to realize that just because their slave labor saves us money it hurts us in the long run. China disgusts me. This baby incident is nothing compared to the overall scope of abuses they perpetrate. The CIA said a while back that at least 1 million Chinese citizens are worked to death in prison factories each year. Lovely huh?

The Alcove

I twist the facts until they tell the truth. -Some intellectual sadist

The Bill of Rights is a document of brilliance, a document of wisdom, and it is the ultimate law, spoken or not, for the very concept of a society that holds liberty above the desire for ever greater power. -Me