Chicago Second Amendment Freedom Rally (SAFR) July 9th!

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
It's time once again for the third annual Second Amendment Freedom Rally, the largest (not to say "only") event of its kind in downtown Chicago, Illinois!

When: Friday, July 9th from 11:00-1:00
Where: The plaza at the James R. Thompson Building on Lasalle St.
Who: All are welcome!
What: Hear gun rights speakers, hang out and relax with other pro-gun people from around the midwest. Have lunch downtown or head over to the lakefront to see Navy Pier or the museums when you're done. Have fun!

SAFR is more party than protest and more celebration than strike. Water is provided, and restrooms and restaurants are inside the Thompson Building. We're right under the windows of the Mayor's office at SAFR, so we know the Mayor's people can see and hear what we're telling them whether they want to or not.

If you're interested in being a "marshal" for SAFR (a helper, guide, and all-around good guy in a black hat) please contact me directly at and let me know.