Chicago PD shoots offender and....Chicago PD?

DT Guy

New member
Perhaps I missed another post-if so, my apologies:
Remember Rule Number Four?

I'm not judging-perhaps what was done was the best available option, and absolutely necessary.

I will say that I'm amazed nobody considered impact weapons (batons) against the knife, as it appears they had time and (some degree of) containment.

I would also note the explanation at the end by the spokesman, who makes shooting into a 'human police backstop' sound more like an act of god or nature than a decision by a human being. :)
Weis said the incident illustrates "the dangers of police work."

"We had someone who was trying to murder someone right in front of two officers," he said. "And unfortunately they have to use some type of force to protect that individual. So when you have weapons involved and bullets are being fired, sometimes it's a very dangerous situation. Fortunately, no one was hit other than the person who was trying to murder an individual and the officer, and thanks to God, he had body armor on him and he was fine."



New member
I'm curious as to whether or not the bullet that struck the officer first penetrated all the way through the perp in this instance. Anyone know what Chicago PD is carrying these days?

Good thing he had a vest.


New member
I'm pretty sure Chicago cops carry Glock 22s (.40 S&W).

They're definitely JHPs, so I doubt it was a through-and-through. Likely it either winged the guy, hit a limb, or even missed entirely.

Now that this kind of thing is becoming the norm, what happens when you get stabbed without a cop conveniently in sight? No self defense allowed for the Peons in Daley's Chicago...


New member
I will say that I'm amazed nobody considered impact weapons (batons) against the knife, as it appears they had time and (some degree of) containment

You have to get waaay too close to use a baton. Remember, distance is your friend against someone armed with a knife.

DT Guy

New member
I understand the distance concerns-but it sounds like there were several officers there to provide cover, and time to try OC. And while a baton vs. knife isn't first choice, neither is setting off four or five (accounts vary) rounds on a crowded street, IMHO.



New member
They had already tried OC and it failed. From the linked article:

The officers initially had tried to subdue the man with pepper spray as he brandished a knife and threatened people...


The officers tried to hit him with pepper spray, they did, no effect. He continued on and he kept escalating his actions.

So OC hadn't worked. Why not try a little tincture of time? Lots of other cops on scene, so why not back off and wait? Here's why:

But when he grabbed an elderly man...

Okay, so you've got a violent person with a knife who has already shrugged off the pepper spray. And now knifeguy has just grabbed a bystander, so there's no time to futz around with lesser options: the creep has to be stopped RIGHT NOW or the innocent person dies.

It's impossible to tell from the article whether the other cop was shot by a pass-through or by a miss, but given that the perpetrator was DRT and the elderly victim uninjured, I'm betting it was a pass through. Be interesting to see details on it, if they come out.

From the article:

"They were in very close proximity," Weis said. "The officer who was hit in the vest had actually had hands on the individual trying to disarm him. The other officer, in fear of both his partner's life and the innocent victim, he used his weapon, striking both the offender and his partner officer."

That sure sounds like a pass-through. (And like a wild rodeo...)

And here's the tactics and training component: watch your backstop and your angles. You are responsible for every round that leaves your firearm, not just the ones that hit your intended target. It would very much suck to kill someone you loved while trying to save the life of someone else you care about.


DT Guy

New member
I realize they had time to try OC-hence my suggestion that, if they had time to try OC, they could have (instead) tried a disarm with an impact weapon.

OC isn't first choice on a knife-wielding subject, anymore than a baton is, but a mechanical disarm is more reliable than a chemical restraint, if you have to choose.

Again, Monday-morning quarterbacking; but I really wonder what happened to those OTHER rounds, and what the spokesman would be saying if they were lodged in a couple of citizens, rather than having dissipated into the ether....



New member
"They were in very close proximity," Weis said. "The officer who was hit in the vest had actually had hands on the individual trying to disarm him. The other officer, in fear of both his partner's life and the innocent victim, he used his weapon, striking both the offender and his partner officer."

That sure sounds like a pass-through. (And like a wild rodeo...)

That's what I was thinking.

Old Grump

Member in memoriam
Lord I am happy I do not live down there anymore. Had plenty of guns but had to keep them locked up and hid. Only had a folding knife and a makeshift kubotan made out of a ballpeen hammer handle for self defense.

So now I live in Wisconsin where I don't have to hide them but can't carry them while driving and can't carry concealed. And people think California is screwy. Cops did what they had to do and I'm glad that his buddy didn't think his vest was to heavy and hot and left it at home or in his locker like some do, you just never know.


New member
You'd be amazed how quickly someone can cover 5-10 yards and stick you. I'm not going anywhere near someone with a knife, and I'd treat one the same way I'd treat a firearm.


New member
I was always taught that impact and other intermediate weapons are generally not for someone wielding a knife. Now, were there time and another officer and there was no immediate danger to anyone, you MIGHT consider a Taser so long as the other officer was standing by with a lethal force option in the event the Taser missed or failed to stop the BG. In a one on one against someone with a knife, I'll take the firearm every time (time permitting). If someone would like to bet their life by using a baton or pepper spray against a knife, be my guest. Knife = deadly force

You should always watch your backstop but in a tense, confusing situation I can see how it happens. Hope the cop recovers and everybody learns a lesson


New member
Inside 5 feet a person with a good sized knife is actually more dangerous than the average citizen with a handgun. Although a knife won't knock you down it certainly has a better chance of killing you. Gashes take longer to heal than holes and a knife doesn't run out of ammo.

This situation became much more complicated because of the hostage. It seems the officers did the best they could under the circumstances.


New member
DT Guy, it sounds to me you're just looking for any way, no mattered how tortured the reasoning, to justify to yourself that the cop was wrong in shooting the BG. Not as I see it. A knife is a deadly weapon, and an innocent victim was in imminent danger from the bad guy in this case. I'm just glad the injured police officer will apparently be ok.

Latex Ducky

New member
haha I had to reload my knife the other day.

What does OC and DRT mean?

OC = Oleoresin Capsicum (Pepper Spray)
DRT = Dead Right There
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New member
You'd be amazed how quickly someone can cover 5-10 yards and stick you. I'm not going anywhere near someone with a knife, and I'd treat one the same way I'd treat a firearm.

I agree.

I'm actually more scared of someone with a knife than I am a gun. The difference is:

With a gun I may get shot.
With a knife I will get cut

Against an adversary with a knife inside of ten to fifteen yards I'm going with a gun every chance I get.



New member
It was a through and through shot that hit the other Copper. The offender had a knife to a citizens throat, the Copper had one play he made it. other Copper ok with a hit to his vest. I don't know what the Copper was carrying. We are authorized .38 spcl, 9mm, .45, 40 S&W in all the major brands---either DAO or striker fired---depending on time OTJ


New member
if if if if

Ponder this. How many times do you tell someone to drop a knife?
If they had waited another couple seconds the citizen could have been killed.
What would you charge ($$$) to disarm a knife wielding maniac with a baton?
Is it really worth risking you life to save the life of a knife wielding maniac?
How long before a knife wielding maniac will be out of hospital/jail after being disarmed by baton wielding cop?
How many knife wielding maniac does a town the size of Chicago need?
It is nothing wrong with being crazy until it threatens others.

Deadly weapons call for deadly force, not spray and batons and stern words.

But I may be wrong.


New member
Gee whiz- I can hear them now "why didn't that officer just use pepper spray/mace/nightstick/tazer/tackle him/wait him out..." when the poor little crazy criminal wielding a knife gets shot by the police.
Give me a freakin' break! If you don't want to take a chance at getting shot and killed (rightfully so) by the police, then DON'T start something!!!
Good lord, who CARES if this lunatic coulda-woulda-shoulda been apprehended with a Tactical Teddy Bear Maneuver. HE chose his path. HE must pay the price.
Way to go CPD.