Chiappa Kodiac


New member
My son brought home a Chiappa Kodiac 45-70 it looks like a 1886 but is a finish like stainless do any of the guys out there have any idea how to smooth this rifle out . it is very stiff and the trigger breaks at about 12 pounds are they worth the $1,399.oo they are going for in Canada??

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
I've no idea about value.

It sounds as though more "final polishing" is needed for various internal parts, coupled with some careful work on the trigger. Gunsmith time, but only with a knowledgeable gunsmith.


New member
ythanks that is what i was thinking we have a good shop in Dawson Creek B.C its only 120 klick frome the farm i think i will head your advice and send it over there on munday Corlanes is quite good but costly as they are the only true gunsmiths within 600kl so they charge what they want but work is above reproch this is going to be a backup fire arm for bear thanks again just needed to hear it to accept it


New member
I recall them going for between 1300 and 1600 dollars on Gunbroker some months back (probably a bit higher now). I looked into these as well at one time before going with my Steyr M95 in 50 Alaskan project for my big-bore fix. The finish is hard chrome, which could explain why the parts aren't burnishing smooth very quickly (granted, the one Youtube video I saw of it's operation looked a bit hitchy as well, but that could have been operator error). They are based on the 1886, have a walnut stock coated in rubbery paint, and have Skinner sights.



New member

thankyou the user's manual is in French and Italian i think . as i said it looks like a exact replica of the 1886 . I miekd a few parts and accounting for wear on the one that has been passed down for 5 generation in the Potter line i would say they are very close. I contacted Chiappa online and was very supprised to get a reply about a hour ago . Chiappa has told me to take it to Corlanes a gun shop who sells them in Dawsen Creek B.C and they will take care of the isues . This has me very happy as I know the owner on to run a great shop . I contaced Corlanes and at this time of year pre spring bear they are very busy . they will do the rifle need it for 30-45 days and it will get the whole treatment . should be great when they are done . Corlans tells me that it is not the norm for this rifle to be this hard to cycle its trigger pull is a guess on my part as it runs my digital gauge past its read point. i will let everyone know how we make out with this rifle thankyou for your input


New member
Have only seen them on line and in magazines . no one stocks them around here but really like to check one out . , But the big killer for me is price . can buy two marlins plus ammo for one kodiac.


New member

I have a 1895 Guide 45-70 and it is way smoother than this Chiappa My son bought this rifle for me . Chiappa is going to stand behind their Rifle . It would not have been my first pick but is seams to bee a faithfull rep of the winchester and I am a winchester fan but the new and old Model 70 bolt rifle. This rifle is going to a very good gunsmith shop that has their owne line of mountain rifle . They have a lot of work to do to bring this rifle up to the $1,399.oo cost of this rifle but I look forward to useing it as a backup rifle for bear this fall.and Jerry I think we got off on the wrong foot and i do appoligize . I will be out of this chair for good by spring but on two cains for a bit but i am a very determined man i will be guideing this fall i will send picks of the Chiappa when my boy shows me how


New member
DarcyPotter1 said:
Jerry I think we got off on the wrong foot and i do appoligize .

Yes "we" did. Looks like we both can have quite an attitude. ;) Strong willed aren't we? It's nothing that I can't put behind me. :) Maybe one day I'll come up there and show you how to shoot a Moose. Joke! :D

This is my 1895


This is my 06

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New member
guide rifle

i pack the same rifle for bear but have removed the stock sights and put on skinner sights no sling as for 30-06 i dont have a rig set for long distance in any cal but just got a Barret in 50BMG to start and my son has a Savage 110BA in 338lapua on its way we just found out yesterday that after waiting half a year it had landed in country ya crazy i was set to stop the order and Bartons a local store had the big 50 sitting so i bought it payed 6 for it dont know if i overpaid or what??? but now the BA is going to be in so the son and I will be doing this together . I need to scope the 50 out some say March Some say NF and some say S&B i will have some thinking to do but for sure the rifles are way better than i am but the 50 wow should have thought that thing is heavy . going to be down south this spring on a long range course just starting to look at setting it up going to try and get a hog hunt in to


New member
45-70 the

the link was helpfull . the Kodiac and bear paw print are no longer inlaid with black enamel bot a engraved on the right side of the receiver and very undersaited wich i like and as i said they are standing behind their rifle Corlanes will make it right i have no dout. they have done work for me before on my marlin 1895G it was stiff as a 18 year old boy on viagra on prom night . they did it right and with the marlin it was out of pocket above the price $699.95 for the rifle smooth action and change trigger and sights cost about $400 not sure but arround there I am very confident when it is done it will be my go to bear rifle as for the finish on the stock by the time fall guiding is done we will know how that is going to hold up . It will spend more days hunting 147 than most rifles do in 50 years im thinking if it does not hold up we will strip it or order some good wood oil finish is what i like . hait the feel and sound of plastic the sound more than ehr feel .


New member
Glad the link helped. My 1895 has a 0-4 X 22 scope on it now with quick release mount. Stock Ghost-Ring sight sit under the scope. Scope pops off in five seconds and I can go to open sights if the scope screws up. The 06 is good for 0 to about 600 yrds. with the 150 gr. Hornady Interlock I load for deer.

My paper puncher is a 25 + Lb. 308.


The 308 was built by a local smith and Bench-Rest Champion, Don Geraci. Anything that doesn't require a lath I do myself. I just can't bring myself to buy a lath at this stage of my life. I can buy way too many rifles for what a lath costs. BTW both the 06 and .308 have Timney triggers in them set at 9-12 Oz.

I have three NF scopes and am very satisfied with them. There's one on the 06, .308 and I have one my .223 bolt gun. Haven't tried the others you mentioned so no help there.
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New member

Bartons the store my son bought the Chiappa Kodiak 45/70 at had me bring the rifle in and Chiappa had a new tuned Kodiac 45/70 sent in for me . They have removed all the rifles in that SN# run and will tune them so they are corect. Chiappa is very consernd with their reputaion and are trying to build a client base in North America. The rifle i received is very smooth and the trigger breaks at 4.25 pounds is very crisp with slight overtravell the barrell is button rifled and the rifle shoots better than I do,2" offhand group at 50 yards I am very happy with the service at Bartons and from Chiappa


New member
2" group

this is a five shot group fired as fast as the acction will cycle and I consider it quite good for the use this rifle is built for and will be used for a Back Up Rifle for big bears in tight cover were most shots will be at feet not yards


New member
Good deal. They had a bad run are they just upgrading because of complaints? I know When Marlin and Remington merged the Marlin lever gun quality went to crap but they have improved a lot. The triggers could still use some work though. Other than originally needing the trigger work I love mine. Sounds like you're starting to like your Chiappa. :cool: