Check out my latest aquisition!


New member

On Saturday Oleg and I went to the Franklin Gun Shop (TN). It was my first time in there, and the atmosphere was quite pleasant and friendly. In one other gun shop I went to before (which has since gone out of business), nobody wanted to help me and they treated me like I stepped in by accident and meant to walk into the nail salon.

Anyhow, I had always wanted to get my hands on the new Para Ordnance 6-45 LDA, a nice 1911-ish model which was released in November. I wanted to “upgrade” into a .45, but most are bulky and the small, all stainless, bobbed-off beavertail Para really appealed to me. The shop happened to have one in stock! And it felt good in my hands. It’s about the same size as my Kahr K40, holding 6 rounds in the single-stack magazine (the 6-45 LLDA does not use standard mags), very slim grips, and wonderfully smooth trigger. This particulare does not have the ambidextrous safety, but that’s fine with me.

In doing my research, there was very little information or user reports on that particular model on the web, since it’s relatively new. I like to try to stay safe and buy something that is known to be reliable, but I decided to take the chance. After all, I knew that if I didn’t the bug would keep itching me and I’d have little Para Ordnances dancing around in my head every night until I gave in. I had a not-so-instant background check; the TBI was experiencing technical difficulties and didn’t clear anybody for purchase until 4 hours later. There went my Christmas bonus! (“Hey, boss, thanks for the new new gun!” Boss looks at me blankly: “Wha?”)

The next day we went to the gun show and I brought my new Para with me. I wanted a nice paddle holster, but there weren’t any that fit it perfectly, and I didn’t want all the extra empty barrel space in a holster meant for a fuller size 1911. A Fobus would work just fine, but a black leather paddle holster with thumb break would be even better. I ended up buying some buckshot for my Remington 870 Wingmaster that my brother/dad got me for Christmas (“Get the S&B, they’re clear and’ll look good in pictures”, Oleg said), and a rubber-coated wire pistol rack for the gunsafe.

When Oleg and I were scanning the tables at the show, this short little seedy-looking guy asks Oleg, while pointing to MY box under MY arm and asks, “Your Para Ordnance for sale?” Oleg hadn’t been paying attention and didn’t quite hear the guy, but he also sensed the guy’s seedy vibes, so in wanting him to go away, he shook his head.

Say what? Oleg’s gun? I guess because I’m the “girl” and I’m attached to Oleg’s arm, I must be the “unfortunate girlfriend who got dragged along to the gunshow and ends up carrying whatever the boyfriend buys”. Humph. How viley insulting. We walked off and I just left it at that.

I haven’t gotten to shoot my new .45 yet - the closest available time will be this weekend. I’ll file an update with everyone then.

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
S&B Buck already got used in pics

Will post those when I have a moment. I ordered a 25rd box of Estate 8-pellet buck for runt and we also picked up some Federal 9-pellet variety.

Can't wait to see how well it would shoot (and my Colt should be back from repairs at about the same time).


Does anyone make rubber finger groove grips for the 6.45? Night sights shaped the same way as the original?

As for that creep at the show, all I wanted was to get the hell away from him...really bad vibes! :eek:


Moderator Emeritus
When Oleg and I were scanning the tables at the show, this short little seedy-looking guy asks Oleg, while pointing to MY box under MY arm and asks, “Your Para Ordnance for sale?” Oleg hadn’t been paying attention and didn’t quite hear the guy, but he also sensed the guy’s seedy vibes, so in wanting him to go away, he shook his head.


Last gunshow here in K-town, we decided to go do some horse trading. My roommate, my beau from Atlanta, and myself all had potential trades we were toting. Lendringser was sensible and carried his pistols in his backpack, while my beau and myself toted pistol cases in our hands (his Witness P and my Mauser HSc).

Outside the show, a group of the vultures that circle the entrance stopped my beau to ask him what he was selling. Lendringser forged ahead to the ticket window, but I stayed behind while my boyfriend launched into a spiel and haggle session over the Witness P. Unable to reach an agreement, Bubba asked my beau "What else you got there?".
Confused, my boyfriend responded "This is all I brought".
"Well, what do you have the lady there carrying?" says Jed.
Blink, blink... Instant bafflement, then dawning comprehension.
"I don't know what's in that case" says my beau "You'll have to ask her; it's her gun".

Morons. :rolleyes:
I so wanted to reply "Look, buddy, if you were haggling so hard at the price he was asking for his EAA, you can't afford what's in this case". :p


New member
That's it, I'm officially jealous ... I want one of those little buggers more then just about anything right now (but haven't seen one for sale yet).

here's my current wallpaper :)

click for high res

Kentucky Rifle

New member
Will you just LOOK at that big grin?!

Good picture, Oleg. (You're getting really good!) Also good call on the "seedy guy". "Radar" up and working.
My regular gun shop has a 6.45 just like that in the showcase. I've been back to look at it twice.
Runt: Please post a range report as soon as possible! It is one beautiful .45! Congratulations!

Kentucky Rifle

Kentucky Rifle

New member
My mistake...again!

I just called my regular gun shop. The Para that they have in stock is the model 7.45. In other words, it has a hammer. Almost the same model, though. Still double action.


Marko Kloos

New member
That's a very nice gun. I'm still torn on the whole LDA trigger concept, but all the Para LDA variants I've seen so far looked and felt great.

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
As a Glock user, I can say that LDA is a very similar idea to how a Glock (or a P32) work. The 6.45 trigger pull is very light and condusive to accuracy, IMO.


New member
How does the DA trigger work for rapid double taps?
I'm also considering an PO LDA, but haven't found one
in the local area to try out first...
I'd be very interested in any subjective reports.


New member
Very nice , seems to me you got you know your stuff, I admire a woman like you.
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New member
I'm not good at doing rapid double taps, so I wouldn't be the best person to tell you. Being small handed and wristed, the muzzle jump is always more rough on me. When I do go the range this weekend, Oleg, my brother and dad will also be there, so I'll post a range report from 4 different shooters of different sizes and strengths & weaknesses.

I'll be very, very disappointed if this gun doesn't work well for me!

"Got my act together?" Are you one of these ".45 auto or nothing" people, "Taurus produces junk" club member, or "What's the point of a Kahr if you can have a Glock" people? :D


New member
Nice looking pistola! I dunno about the facial expression, though...that grin doesnt look big enough! :D Congrats, Runt!