Check out Australia's HCI- bedwetters Down Under

I've been to their site several times (know thine enemy).

I have to say it makes me cringe -- it's the only time I'm ashamed to say, "I'm an Aussie".

They are total, unadulterated, unmitigated bloody morons!! (Next time, I won't beat about the bush -- I'll say what I really feel :))

They are an embarrassment -- and to think they are being driven by an ex-pat American who came here "to get away from guns".

Well, as we say, "up him for the rent!!" (Yes, it is rude.)

Not only that - think of all the firearms restrictions heaped on lawful owners of Australia in the past few years and then see this organization's wish list of what indignities they would like to add.

Despite having gun laws in Australia that would make an American HCI activist squeal with unadulterated glee, Australia STILL has a gun control lobby that STILL wants more restrictions. See what compromise gets you? (My condolences to you, Bruce).


New member
A snippet from one of their articles - One Nation - The Danger

I'm saving this one to pass around as an example of how far off the beaten track these antis are. Even most fence-sitters agree with items 1, 2 and 3. Emphasis mine.

"The gun lobby would normally back the Nationals but they are now backing the One Nation Party because the National Party agreed to support the National Gun Law Agreement following Port Arthur gun massacre. Here is an outline of One Nation's gun policy as enunciated in September 1997.

1. Australian's have a right to defend themselves, their families and their property.

2. Shooting is a legitimate sport and pastime and participants should be treated accordingly.

3. Disarming law abiding Australians is not in the national interest and will do nothing to reduce crime.

This policy defies good logic, it is superficial and could have been written by the gun lobby. It is one of the most dangerous gun policies which Gun Control Australia has seen presented, in the history of Australian Party politics."


New member
The leftists in both the Australian and international media have been after One Nation anyway, as it seems the party supports the curtailing of immigration, with preference given to those with more assimilable ethnic and cultural backgrounds. I guess open support of gun ownership by mere subjects doesn't boost their popularity among the fair and balanced media ;)