Cheaper than dirt

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New member
I noticed a strong presence of cheaper on gunbot today. They seem to have the cheapest prices on a lot of ammo. If you want to buy from them then go ahead. But as a lot of people here remember, they were one of the most expensive during(& after) the panic. Lots o gouging & other shall I say, less than ethical tactics IMHO

My .02


New member
You are correct. They did not charge more than any other ammo seller, they were absolutely STEALING. I have no problem with retailers "stretching" the price upward 10-15% on hard-to-get items. However, they priced some items 50-60% higher than others.
I purchased many gun accessories over the years from CTD. However, never will they get any of my business, even if their price is lower than Brownells or Midway.


New member
I really don't see a problem with buying from them when it is cheap, and ignoring them when they sell high. As I understand it, they fluctuate their prices pretty wildly based on their inventory. They want to have some in stock, no matter what price they have to "sell" it at to keep it in stock. That's why you can find boxes of 45 for 14 bucks one day, then 39 bucks the next.

I'm not really sure that I can call that unethical or immoral in a free market.


New member
I never doubt a business's goal to make a profit. They are entitled. If a business offers a product at a reasonable, competitive price, I will buy it. If I like the product and customer service, I will remain a loyal customer. If, however, I feel that one day that business is taking advantage and boosting prices above and beyond what is "normal", than my business is forever lost to that company.

With respect to CTD, I was a frequent buyer because they, at one time, were Cheaper Than Dirt. During the so called shortage, they lost sight of what their selling point was and should have changed their name to "Slightly More Expensive than Gold." Yet I was able to buy ammo at other web sites well below what CTD was offering and given the market, thought I was paying a fair price. Fair is fair. Being gouged is not fair and I will not be gouged...not now, not ever, and I take my business elsewhere.
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