Cheap caliber changes for the Dillon 650


New member
Dillon takes a pretty good rap when it comes to expensive caliber conversions. If most people are like me they already have more than a few. I have 6 to be exact.

I started reloading a few new calibers and one of them is the 223. At first the single press did well however when I made the move into thousands the single press just was not an option. After doing all the case prep including the sizing on my single stage press, swagging (all military cases) trimming etc I wasn't looking forward to running them one at a time again through the single stage press.

Thus I needed to get the extras for the 650. However this is where the fun starts. Different parts such as shell plates , location pins and more is interchangeable with different calibers. So the simple fact was that I already had most of everything I would need for a caliber conversation.

It turns out I needed two cheaper parts and for far less than a $79 conversion kit I could be reloading my 223's on the 650.

So if you want to spend more on reloading components and less on equipment here is a nice conversion chart to help you figure out what you will need to add.


Caliber/Cartridge changes for the Dillon 650

I have been doing the same thing since I purchased my Dillon XL-650.

What I do is, If I need the "Shellplate" I buy the complete "Caliber Conversion".

If I already have the "Shellplate" I just buy the small, cheap parts needed for that Cartridge/Caliber. Many times, if you are staying within the same "cartridge family", all that is required is the $11.95 "Powder Funnel".

Example, since I already had the "Caliber Conversion" for the .308 Win, when I started reloading the .260 Rem all that was needed was the "Powder Funnel".

Adding the .243 Win, 7mm-08, .338 Federal and .the .358 Win would each require just the "Powder Funnel". Instead of spending $73.95 for each of these 6 "Caliber Conversion" (total of $443.70), the cost was only $133.70.



New member
There is also a chart in the middle of the 650 Instruction manual that lists which parts are in each conversion kit, so you can piece them together more economically. In the 550 manual the chart is in the back of the Instruction manual. Depending on from what caliber to what caliber, there can be a significant amount of parts interchangability among conversion kits.:)


New member
I know the chart is in the 650 manual / but I've still bought the conversion kits for each caliber ( and it gives me a few extra items ) but so what ...

All things considererd / customer service group etc at Dillon - I think you get a very good value for your dollar .....and for what its worth, I've had a 650 with a case feeder for 5 or 6 years - and I'd buy it again.

I rarely remember what quality tools cost - and every time I use them, I enjoy them a lot ... / but I sure remember it when I spend money on a compromise tool that turned out to be junk in a couple of years. I understand your point about people whining about what the conversion kits cost / and you were just pointing out where they could save a few bucks ... and nothing wrong with that / and while competitive pricing is important ...I don't think Dillon is out of line ( despite some of the remarks I see ).


New member
I'm a 16 year veteran of the 650 and I have a ton of caliber conversion kits. I love them that is a simple fact. However I think it is a nice to be able to save a few dollars on some calibers if I can mix and match with out having the full expense in the caliber kits.

When you have the dies and suddenly realize you can reload them on the 650 by doing some mixing and matching reloading gets a little cheaper.