Charter Arms


New member
What is the word on Charter Arms revolvers? ood, bad or indifferent. Thinking about the 327 federal mag by Charter arms. Good price and 2 & 1/4 inch barrel. Let's hear the feedback. Thanks in advance.


New member
Have four Charter Arms.

Three of them -- two 44 Specials and one 38 Special -- were made umpteen years ago and are very good. Would bet my life on them.

The other one was made recently and has been back to the factory twice with them keeping it about a year total and it isn't worth throwing away. It is no better after they've had it twice than before it was sent back the first time. Just minor things like the cylinder won't rotate when the hammer is pulled back and it won't go bang when you pull the trigger. Small stuff like that.

Other than those four personal experiences, have no thoughts on the subject.


New member
I read a review on one in a current magazine.

The reviewer said it has a heavy, gritty trigger. The numbers showed it to be pretty inaccurate. (5" groups at 25 yds.) He said it was reliable, but not for someone who would be shooting it a lot. He was really digging deep for good things to say about it.

I'd much rather have a used S&W Model 10 for the same price or less. Resist the temptation.


New member
Charter Arms guns work fine if you buy them, and LEAVE THEM ALONE! DO NOT PUT NEW SPRINGS IN THEM! DO NOT TRY TO DO ACTION JOBS ON THEM! JUST SHOOT THEM! You can change the grips if you want. If you do that, other than one that is a lemon, they will work fine. I have owned several of them over the years, and have three now (a 38, a 22lr and a 22mag).

I have also gunsmithed them, mostly reassembling them for folks who did not listen to my advise above and brought them in to me in baggies to be put back together. The hammers can be changed pretty easily, and in fact the factory sells a bobbed hammer that you can put in yourself. The cylinder latch is overly complicated with a lot of little parts that are hard to put back together. (the factory sells a tool for this on their website)

The dealer who does my transactions for me has sold a few of the new 327 guns, and quite a bit of ammo for the ones he has sold, and his customers have been happy with them.

just my two cents................