Charter Arms Explorer II Bolt


New member
Well this will sound dumb. I have a Charter Arms Explorer II and have had it for years but all of a sudden I can't remember how to get the bolt out to clean it. Does anyone have a manual or can describe how to get the bolt out. I get the barrel off and the bolt comes out half way but no farther. I pull the trigger so it should pull past that but it won't. Maybe it's so dirty I can't get it out. Any help would be appreciated.




New member
On mine I removed the barrel so the bolt goes that last little bit futher, then remove the bolt handle (where the slot in the receiver becomes a round hole). Bolt should come right out, nothing else I know of that holds it in.


New member
Ok. then I do have a problem because I do that but the bolt won't come out. I'll try again tomorrow and see why it's not coming out.


New member
As long as it doesn't feel like it's hitting a mechanical stop or anything, it's probably a ring of powder fouling built up in the receiver. First thing I'd try is gunscrubber or something similar and a popsicle stick as a scraper. I think I had to do that the first time I disassembled an Charter AR-7 that was given to me by someone, it obviously hadn't been cleaned in a long time.
you have to pull the side plate off and remove the mag release catch also. then will come right out. careful you don't let that small spring go into orbit.


New member
I never had to remove the side plate before but it has been years since I have used or cleaned it. I might have to try that. I do hate those little springs. Thanks.

actually remove the ejector, the peice of sheet metal that sticks up onto the bolt, to get it out you need to remove the mag catch. careful of that catch spring it will go 'sproing'!