Charter Arms Bulldog/Pitbull


New member
I've seen both of these guns in a couple of different pawnshops and was looking at getting a larger caliber for CCW. And since I already have a Ruger Redhawk I was inclined to go with 44SPL. both guns were in the $250 range. Anyone have one of the abouve and is this a good price for them?


New member
Charter 44's- I like 'em

Surprised you have no response yet.
I’m assuming that your Redhawk is a 44 mag and you would like to have a carry gun that can share the same ammo- the Redhawk 44 Mag will of course handle 44 Special’s’ but I’m sure you know the .44 Special revolvers will not handle 44 Mags.
I have a couple of older blued Charter .44’s (Stratford Conn). A Bulldog Pug with a 2/½” barrel and a Bulldog with a three inch barrel. I don’t shoot them a lot, but over the years have probably put about 1000 rounds through each of them and feel very comfortable with both. I’ve put through two boxes of 200 grain +P, but he rest of the loads have been standard 240 grain .44 Special fare. You’ll find that that the Redhawk with 44 Mags is more comfortable to shoot than the Charter light weights, but light weight .38’s and 357’s buck a bit also.
I normally have a .38 with me because the one’s I have are light weight and stainless. Occasionally I take one of these .44’s instead- the big bore and heavier bullet just feel better at times.
The price you’re looking at is maybe a little high, but probably not out of line IF the revolvers are in excellent shooting condition. If you find a good one, you’ll love it.
Good Luck


New member
and older Bulldog w/ 3 inch barrel is my CCW. I'd be leery about buying one of the newer ones (either the Charco version or the newest 2000 version) because of bad feedback on these forums...
