Charleston bans use of bump stocks


New member
I think bump stocks are ridiculous gimmicks but this law also seems like a ridiculous gimmick:


COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — South Carolina's capital city has approved a ban on the use of the "bump stock" devices that allow semi-automatic weapons to mimic fully automatic guns.

The measure was approved by Columbia City Council on Tuesday night. Mayor Steve Benjamin has said he thinks Columbia is the first city to ban the use of bump stocks.
"I believe in responsible gun ownership, and I believe in common sense," Benjamin said in a statement Tuesday night. "That's why we've decided to do what our federal and statement governments are either unable or unwilling to do."
The ordinance makes it a misdemeanor to use bump stocks or a separate device called a "trigger crank," both of which can be attached to guns to increase their rate of fire. A person could legally possess a bump stock if it's not connected to a gun and stored in a separate case in the city of 134,000 people.

What, exactly, is this supposed to accomplish? It seems like nothing more than grandstanding.


New member
Yes, I agree crime will immediately drop, houses can be left unlocked and car keys left in the ignition. This law will restore the peace and tranquility that was taken away by these treacherous inanimate objects.


New member
Alas, SC state law preempts Charleston from banning any part of a firearm (emphasis added): said:
State Preemption
23-31-510. Regulation of ownership, transfer, or possession of firearm or ammunition; discharge on landowner's own property.

No governing body of any county, municipality, or other political subdivision in the State may enact or promulgate any regulation or ordinance that regulates or attempts to regulate:
(1) the transfer, ownership, possession, carrying, or transportation of firearms, ammunition, components of firearms, or any combination of these things; or

So, crime will continue in Charleston.


New member
I don't think banning anything solves problems. That said, bump stocks are stupid. What's next, banning rubber bands or belt loops on pants?


New member
The capitol of SC is Columbia, not Charleston. Charleston is not mentioned in the article. This is the second time Hiz honor has tried to poke the legislature in the eye. He will lose the inevitable law suit, just as he did the first one.



New member
No governing body of any county, municipality, or other political subdivision in the State may enact or promulgate any regulation or ordinance that regulates or attempts to regulate:
(1) the transfer, ownership, possession, carrying, or transportation of firearms, ammunition, components of firearms, or any combination of these things
They didn't ban the "transfer, ownership, possession, carrying, or transportation" of bumpstocks, only their use. But then, I bet dischargiung a firearm within the city limits is already prohibited, so--grandstanding.


New member
But then, I bet dischargiung a firearm within the city limits is already prohibited, so--grandstanding.
Yep. That's what I was going to bring up.
A few years ago, a small town about 60 miles away banned the use of suppressors and machine guns within city limits. It was already illegal to discharge a firearm.
Irony? That year, the same town obtained 30+ M16s/M4s in the gov surplus program.