changing trigger springs in a Taurus 94


New member
Has anyone tried to reduce the trigger pull on a taurus 94 (.22lr) or 941 (.22wmr) before? I heard everything from changing the trigger reset spring (wolff) to just giving the inside a good clean and lube will improve and lighten the trigger pull.

OK I'll admit it. I can disassemble most semi auto pistols and rifles, but I never opened up a revolver before. Is it easy for the mechinically inclined or should I let a gunsmith do it?


New member
It's easy enough.
Get a Wolff spring set with multiple weight springs.
Two springs change the trigger pull: the hammer spring (mainspring) and the trigger return spring. There are tradeoffs to changing either one.
A lighter hammer spring gives a lighter trigger pull,but can make primer ignition less reliable. A lighter trigger return spring can make the trigger pull lighter,but it also slows down trigger reset (how fast the trigger goes forward). That can cause you to "short stroke" the trigger if firing rapidly.


New member
Thanks poodle, I was thinking of going one step down from standard weight on at least the trigger reset spring. I was going to test a lighter hammer spring, but if I get light strikes I'll but the factory on back in.

So opening up the taurus 94 is no major feat. I have this fear of opening it up and having 100 springs and parts flying out like a broken clock. :eek:


New member
trigger pull improvement on Taurus 94

I bought a 94 for 'cheap shots' at the range and as a starter pistol for my wife. I had heard the trigger pull on the 94 was stiff before i bought it and that rim fire pistols in gerneral require a stiff hammer spring. the action on the gun I got was hard to say the least and every 5-10 shots would 'hang up' and I would have to release the trigger and pull again. The wife HATED IT. and i was not happy.

I was advised to just send it to long does that take??
I have never even seen the works in a revolver. but I am quite good at mechanical things ( no really), so i downloaded a manual with a blowup and took the grip and side plate off. I found that the transfer bar had a very sharp scraper like leading edge that would (every 5-10 trigger pulls) dig into the firing pin rather than slide over it as it should. also the gap in the firing pin for the stay pin actually hung out making a little slot/reciever for the sharp edge of the transfer bar..

..also EVERY stamped part had burrs on one side and the relief routes in the frame had burrs. I took off the hammer and trigger springs, disassembled ( with a certain amoung to fear) and buffed off all the sharp stuff. beveled the leading edge of the transfer bar and smoothed the exposed part of the firing pin ( careful not to take any 'length' off it a percaution I called Taurus and talked them into sending me a new firing pin ..I plan calling and getting a few more parts ...just cuz...

I reassembled and put in some snap caps and tried a few trigger pulls ... smooth, no hangups but still VERY stiff..impossible to keep on target with one hand. I ordered the Wolff spring kit for small frame taurus and installed the lightest trigger spring (as per GunBlast review of the Taurus 22mag) ... much better but still too stiff for the wife. I installed the lighter hammer spring but it just did not seem to have the 'snap' did not 'sound' solid..... I then cut ONE RING off the heavy Taurus hammer spring.. it felt good and was a bit lighter.

I figured that the heavy spring was at least in part needed to overcome all the internal friction caused by burrs digging into each other in the works..with this gone maybe a little lighter hammer spring would work...maybe

..took it to the range and fired about 250 rounds ( in rather quick fashion) I had a misfire at about round 130 and another at about 200...with ammo costing 7.99 for 550 rounds .. who knows, I have not shot enough rimfire to know if there is 'a miss-fire in every box' or not..... I will leave the gun as is for now ....this will not be a PD gun anyway. I then handed it to the wife again ..she said it reminded her of the cap pistol that she had when she was a young cowgirl ...that seemed positive to me. we will keep it and use it.. a good learning experience but not what I expected to encounter from a gun company that seems to enjoy a rather good ( undeserved?) reputation.

I compared the action to a small smith 22 and 38 and a ruger 38 (all small frames) .. it was about the same .. smooth enough and easy enough. the Taurus PROBABLY has a good design (stolen from who?) . But the parts are just assembled and the gun shipped. there did not seem to be ANY quality control done on this gun.. it had a problem that would have shown itself in 5 clicks, but, with the lifetime warranty and the 'just send it back and we'll fix it' policy why would they spend any time and money to inspect any gun. I oun another Taurus (judge) and it seems fine and smooth but i must say after buying 2 of their products I am not really impressed with them. and understand why they are less money than the competition.


New member
I had a Taurus 94 with the 3 inch barrel. Very heavy DA trigger pull. I went the route with the Wolf replacement springs. The only way to reduce the DA pull to a relatively normal trigger pull was to change the hammer spring to a reduced weight, after which I got a LOT of misfires. On the other hand, I have an old H&R .22 about the same size that has a good DA pull and rarely misfires. The big difference is in the size of the hammer. The H&R has this relatively huge hammer with a big thumb spur, and therefore more mass. More mass, more momentum, more energy tranfer to the case rim. The Taurus has this little hammer that looks more appropriate to the size of the gun but has less mass, so you need a heavy spring to deliver the kind of strike needed to ensure reliable ignition. I understand S&W has the same issue with their J-frame rimfires.

Sold the 94, kept the H&R.


New member
taurus 94 trigger pull

just a follow up on the 'cut one ring off the stock hammer spring' (after buffing the snags off the internals) of my 2" SS #94 22LR.... I went to the range again last night with a new box of federal 22LR and shot over 250 rounds with no miss-fires at all.. and no sore finger!!

one of the areas that seemed to have a lot of 'grit and drag' was the hammer spring guide.. it was very jagged and goes full length of the spring. This had to cause a lot of loss of energy in the hammer strike.

while small frame rimfire's with light little hammers have limits as to how light the action can be the Taurus 94 certainly can be greatly and easily improved over stock..either by the owner or a gunsmith. Mine has gone from one that my wife had to use two fingers on the trigger to one that she acutally likes and can 'one hand' it easily. Again, at this point it is usable, reliable and almost fun to shoot.


New member
Hi to all I have a Taurus M941 22 mag. The trigger pull is heavy. Are there spring kits for this model? Any Ideas will be appreciated.



New member
Buy a S&W model 17 or 18. That seems easier to me than taking a taurus and upgrading it to S&W quality. A S&W might be more money, but at least it doesn't need work to make it workable.