Changing Times


New member
Man changing tire shot at in Hale county

A man who was changing his tire on the side of the interstate today was shot at twice from a passing car, officials with the Hale County Sheriff’s Office said.

Law enforcement authorities are looking the suspect, who was driving a black, four-door car. He is described as Hispanic and was last seen wearing black sun glasses and a cap turned backwards, authorities said.

The suspect fire two shots at the man shortly before 11:55 a.m. on Interstate-27, about two miles south of Hale Center.

The man was not injured — the shots hit the man’s vehicle.

Anyone with information about the suspect should contact Hale County authorities at (806) 296-2724.

...another reason why we should carry. He was lucky the BG didn't stop.


New member
was shot at twice from a passing car,

Drive by on a tire change? that sucks.

...another reason why we should carry

Would he have had time enough to pull and shoot at a fleeing car on the interstate? Can you say missed him hit her? Take a plate down call 911 right away. Replace tire and drive on. Do not chase or follow.


What gets me is that the charge will likely only be reckless endangerment.

The laws need to be made tougher for the trash that has no concept of the value of life. That should be attempted murder in the first degree.


New member
When you guys are driving on the interstate these days, do you get a little nervous when a car passes and stays beside you for a while, before going around?


New member
Lucky he didn't get killed. He,( the shooter), couldn't make a shot like that on purpose...but would hit perfect by accident. I guess I'm trying to say that bad luck would be just that...bad luck, and that could have been a dead man on the side of the road.

I haven't had a flat in a long time. Disabled like that're a target. Best have a weapon handy.
