Changing Grips


New member
Looks like changing grips would be straight forward simple. I want to put different grips on my Taurus 605, and saw comments about it being difficult. I've never done this before, but how hard can it be?


New member
The only difficult thing may be finding an after market set for a Taurus.
There isn't many different ones to choose from.



The only difficult thing may be finding an after market set for a Taurus.
There isn't many different ones to choose from.

Wrong. You might check Hogue also offers several choices. A set of grips made for the gun will fit over the alignment pin properly. If not, if the grips fit the frame they can easily be redrilled for the pin.


New member
The 605 uses the same grips as the 85, and there are plenty to choose from. I even have a set of the Barami Hip Grips or them.

I have changed the grips around on my 85 a few times, and it couldn't be simpler:

1) Remove screw
2) Pull grip panels apart and remove from gun
3) Reverse the process with the new grips

As noted by Elvishead, the Hogues will go on differently. The alignment pin he spoke of is inside toward the bottom, and goes through a hole in the frame. Sounds like Elvishead's pin was in there tighter than mine, as the pin came out fairly easily for me. The new grips may or may not come with an alignment pin, so you may need to use the original piece in the new grips (the Hip Grip has a molded-in pin).

By the way, which grips are you looking at installing?
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New member
Wrong. You might check Hogue also offers several choices. A set of grips made for the gun will fit over the alignment pin properly. If not, if the grips fit the frame they can easily be redrilled for the pin.

Ohhh yeah, there's thousands. Hogue huh.... I never heard of 'em




New member
Ohhh yeah, there's thousands.
Of course there are not thousands. That's ridiculous (unless you're talking 1911's). But there are plenty. Here's the results of a minute and a half on google:

AJAX Grips

The OP came here with a legitimate "how-to" question looking for assistance. Responding with a demonstrably false claim that
There isn't many different ones to choose from.
sounds more like a grinding axe than help.