Changes in the wind ... maybe good news

It looks like the Trump administration has finalized new rules that will transfer oversight of the export of sporting arms (as opposed to military arms) from the Department of State to the Department of Commerce. My hope is that this will bring an end to some of the sillier consequences of the old regulations, such as making gunsmiths and small parts and accessories makers jump through the same registration and regulatory hoops as international corporations selling anti-aircraft missiles.

Naturally, some bureaucrats (like the Washington state Attorney General) are getting their knickers in a twist and are opposed to the new rules. Their concern is that plans and programs for 3-D printing of guns will escape into the wild ... even though those will still be regulated. One is left to suspect that they oppose the changes because Trump approved them ... even though these changes were initiated under Obama.

My hope is that these changes will make life easier for small gunsmiths and companies that make small parts and accessories foir sporting arms.


New member
Let’s hope so. I previously worked in an ITAR industry where just such a controlled commodity jurisdiction change was made.
It made doing international business so much easier, faster and less expensive.