Changes at Gander Mountain?


New member
I was at the Gander Mountain in Peoria Illinois this afternoon. They where having a huge sale, 50 to 60% off everything in the store, except firearms and related accessories. I asked an employee if they were closing up the Peoria store, she said no, they are getting rid of everything except the firearms, and it will become one huge gun shop.

Any other Gander Mountain stores across the country doing the same?

I wonder why?


New member
Firearms and ammo are the last thing I would consider buying at GM. The GM in our area sells a lot of everything else but few guns. No one wants to pay their prices.
Prices at GM were at "Pre Panic" prices before the panic.

If GM went to guns sales only, no one would shop there.


New member
I have heard on another forum that some of the stores in Pennsylvania are doing the same thing.

The Springfield store had planned to expand the gun area, but changed plans with the recent political climate, according to an employee there.

I am surprised that Peoria is going ahead.

Gander is like all big retailers, you have to know what the item you are looking for, is selling for elsewhere. I made a rare good deal with them on a pistol recently. But their bargains are few and far between.

You can get overcharged at Lowes, Home Depot, or the local lumberyard if you do not do your research. That is how they make most of their profit, uninformed buyers.


New member
I'm not a fan of goosebump's house of grift myself. I can't imagine the nearby store making rent on firearms & ammo alone.

The last time i was there, i was asking for some kind of adjustment on a firearm they had sold as "new" that had quite a bit of shopwear. They sold it to an older lady who didn't realize that it was scuffed and worn or that returning firearms might be more difficult than returning/exchanging other merchandise. I left disappointed and telling them that i wouldn't be back to buy water should hell arrive on earth.

Perhaps other locations are better run & stocked; this was the Hattiesburg, MS location.


New member
Gun World in Germantown WI

One of the Gander Mountain stores in the Milwaukee area was converted to a "Gun World" store ("by Gander Mountain"), and has predominately firearms and firearms-related merchandise.

Not a bad format, and there is another "full format" store within about 20 miles.

Willie Sutton

^ Yup, was there a few months back. Loads of guns... new and used. Prices? "Meh"... nothing special.

But it's a new business model for them to have dedicated gun stores separate from their other stores.




New member
I occasionally visit the same Peoria Gander Mountain store referred to by the OP, and what he says rings true. They previously boasted large fishing, camping, and clothing departments, most of which is now gone. I suspect this realinement is due to the recent opening of a very nice and well-managed Bass Pro Shop across the river in East Peoria conquesting their business on those items.

When this GM first opened, they had competitive prices, good sales, and a full-service gunsmith on-site. I spent a LOT of money there.
Several years ago, they closed the gunsmith down, and prices started to rise. They also lost several knowledgeable gun counter employees (one of them the manager), and their buying policy on used guns got ridiculous to the point of insulting.

I always thought it was a big mistake to shut down the gunsmith. As far as the prices, a couple pawnshops in the local area have far lower prices on ammo and reloading components. If the "new" Gander Mountain wants to compete, they better take a look at their competition and adjust their pricing accordingly.

Just my .02.


New member
Our local GM went through a major renovation late last year. Major new emphasis on gun sales. In fact, they advertise that they are, "the largest gun store in Virginia." That may be true by inventory but they are not in the top 20 by sales (source: data provided by Virginia Firearms Transaction Center). Price point is still... Meh


New member
I would drive all the way down to Peoria as a day trip once the panic is over. They have a cool bar right on the River with EP that I fancy too.

The prices at GM were not that bad pre panic on new guns but they wanted an insane amount for used guns. A beat to heck P228 that is NOT a W. German model is not worth $800.00 with only one mag and no case!


New member
The prices at GM were not that bad pre panic on new guns

Wait until you find that one GOOD local shop. You'd be surprised. Judging by gander prices I've saved THOUSANDS of dollars. Some guns are competitive but lets face it the vast majority aren't.


New member
The one near me just recently did the same thing........almost has a 360 degree gun counter with an ammo reloading section and a few hunting blinds.