chamber casting with "sulphur sublimed"


New member
Hello Forum Folks,

I just watched a chamber casting video on youtube (How to chamber cast: Excerpt from GunTech Video Magazine #48). The Smithy, Ken Brooks, showed how to do a chamber casting with a white powder agent called "sulphur sublimed" and it looked really neat/fairly easy how he did it. Has anyone on the forum tried this? My one question about it is, regarding measurements, does the sulphur casting hold the exact chamber dimensions for a long period of time after the casting is made? I've never done a chamber casting before, and I've heard that cerrosafe holds the exact chamber dimensions for quite a long period of time for measurement reference after the casting process. To anyone who has tried both techniques, how do the two methods compare?

Thanks for your time,



New member
I've never tried sulphur casting, but I believe most sulphur compounds are pretty brittle, and some of them can be fairly noxious as well; I've used Cerrosafe, and it is so simple to use, I can't imagine sulphur being any easier. If you can boil water, you can do a Cerrosafe cast, and it's reliable enough that you won't have any questions about the accuracy of your measurements.


New member
Some people used to use "Flowers of Sulphur" to make chamber casts. It is available, or was, from drug stores. However, it is just at melting temperature, it will cool to a solid, but if heated too hot, becomes a rubbery, translucent form that would be too soft to get a good reading from. Better to use Cerrosafe; it is almost ideal for chamber casts.


New member
I'll probably just use the Cerrosafe when I get to the point of doing the project. I see the "sulphur sublimed" is readily available from a lot of internet sources, too. May even try that method; the process in the youtube video by Mr. Brooks looked so very easy to do. All he used was a cut-off aluminum pop can, a vise grips and a propane torch to do the job.

Thanks for the input,
