CFE-223 1st Test Range Report

Will Lee

New member

First time out with CFE-223.
Would like some analysis as what you think of the groups. I have my own opinions but would surely like to here what you think. Can anyone explain what might have happened with the 28.1 group? I did have a 10 to 12 mph swirling wind at the range today. I can assure all that the POA was the same for all groups shot.


New member
Hard to say without knowing the rifle's history with other loads. Velocity wise it looks like the new powder has about the same performance as 335 or 748.

Looks like the rifle's sweet spot for accuracy is that 26.6 grain load. Velocity wise, that might not be satisfactory for you so I guess I'd repeat the exercise to confirm it.

Perhaps the 27.5 grain load would be the best compromise between accuracy and velocity.
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Will Lee

New member
Hey Scharfschuetzer - Thanks for the reply. I don't really like the ES on the 27.5 but it has potential so does 26.6 & 26.9 because of the ES. I am going to retest these load with a jump of .050 and see what I get.

Here is what the gun did with the same bullet & X-Terminator at 100 yards.



New member
I don't think there is any question that the X-Terminator powder gave the best results, hands down.

I would put the CEF powder on the shelf and just use it to clean the copper out of the barrel once in a while. Say 20 shots at a time.

Good Luck on your load development, but I think you have found the Sweet Spot already.


Will Lee

New member
Hey Jim,
Roger on the X-Terminator for the 223.

What I am really trying to accomplish is to have 1 powder for both my 223 & 270. I tested Hornady's 110 HPBT in my 270 (Hodgdon has data using CFE-223 for that round). Had really nice velocities but the groups sucked using Hornady's recommended COL of 3.165. The bullet touches my lands at 3.224 going to retest at 3.200.

Will Lee

New member
The barrel was thoroughly cleaned before the trip to the range. I fired 30 rounds of the CFE-223/Barnes 55 TTSX BT and I do not see any copper deposits in the barrel.