Cetme vs H&K91

Byron Quick

Staff In Memoriam
I'm thinking of getting rid of my H&K91. Replacing it with a Cetme and cash.

Turn the cash into more firearms.

Any of you guys owned both? Opinions?

What about the Cetme guys? What to avoid? What to look for?

Oh, BTW. If you can arrange a shoot with Johnny, go for it. It is a good time.

Jamie Young

New member
The sights are the only thing that makes me think one is better than the other.

One of my most asked question to CETME owners was, "how did you know which one was good?"

CETME's seem to be in the same category as FALs. You might get a good one if you know what to look for. From what I've been told its mostly all about the welding. Left side charging handles always appealed to me.


CETME's seem to be in the same category as FALs. You might get a good one if you know what to look for.

Yes, but can someone tell me, isn't it the case that with a CETME, you're slightly to moderately less likely to get a real bad example than an FAL? Or about the same? I'm thinking of getting a CETME until I can save for a finely-made HDR - are the new guns from Century pretty consistent, or still spotty? Is there any time frame of import/assembly to look for, and if so, what markings indicate such time? Thanks.

P.S. CETMEs recoil significantly more than a gas-operated .308, as I understand it, no?


OK, Sardude, that's what I had heard also. I will get one just as soon as they ship with flash hiders in place of the blast enhancers (next month?).


New member
I am thinking along the same lines. I would rather have one with no noise enhancer on the barrel. Hope, they will be available, haven't heard anything on that particular subject though! :confused:

Jamie Young

New member
I've been surprised at the number of people on these boards that keep saying the CETME and G3 have less recoil than FAL's and M1A's. I personally thought that the two G3 clones I fired had the harshest recoil of them all.

My FAL is the softest shooting 7.62 rifle I have ever shot.


Jamie, right. That's what I was hearing, as I indicated. But yeah, it's silly to hear the opposite. Stands to reason, given the non-gas action of the G3 types. But then again, read Byron's post - he doesn't notice any difference between it and M1A. I want a CETME as an intermediate HDR solution until I can afford an M1A, DSArms FAL, or Super VEPR as my longterm HDR choice (the VEPR only if 20 rounders are made).


I haven't found any 9 pound .308 that kicked much more or less than any other. They feel a bit different, though.

The Cetmes with the muzzle brakes are supposed to be very soft, though.

Dave R

New member
Yeah, I have a CETME with a brake and it is quite soft. Recoil is a tad more than an AR. Less than a 20ga. shotgun.

www.cruffler.com did a review of the CETME and noticed that recoil was noticeably less than an HK. They attribute it to the action opening earlier in the recoil cycle. Which is also why it chucks brass farther.

I have not shot an HK, so can't compare.


Moderator Emeritus
No, it's like comparing a stamped sheet-metal gun to a stamped sheet-metal gun whose price has been driven through the roof by scarcity-driven collector's lust.


New member
I've been perfectly happy with my CETME, having had it for about two years now, wood stocks and Century Muzzle-Blast-Enhancer included. The felt recoil is very manageable, being very easy to keep on target with only minor muzzle jump. It feels to be less than the FAL and M1 Garand to me. The recoil impulse seems to be a bit slower, occurring over a greater time than the other rifles. A function of the recoil-operation methinks. I like it. It also is far less ammo sensitive than the FAL can be - no funky gas system to adjust. Just don't stand to the right of one being shot . . . :rolleyes:

My "Chopo":


  • CETME El Chopo Modelo C _ Pic 3.JPG
    CETME El Chopo Modelo C _ Pic 3.JPG
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  • CETME El Chopo Modelo C _ Pic 4.JPG
    CETME El Chopo Modelo C _ Pic 4.JPG
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Dave R

New member
FYI, this past Sat. I took my CETME to the range--playing with my new chrongraph. Wanted to see how much velocity drop came with the CETME's 18" barrel (?) vs. my Rem700's 22" barrel.

First group I shot with the CETME was Portugese surplus, at an 8" bull at 200 yards with the 200M aperture. The group was just under 2". I was amazed.

Next group was more like 4", which is typical for me at 200 yards.

Velocity drop was about 150fps. 2600 or so vs. 2750.