Census worker rapes woman on his route!


New member
unfortunately, this is no big surprise...

i mean, didn't they basically just hire people off the street? this is not to say that they are all bad, but i'd be curious as to what kind of screening process went on- probably nothing more than a pizza delivery guy.

from what i understand it's easy money... easy money will attract interesting applicants, whether it's census taker or congressman :)


New member
What a terrible thing to happen. And yet, I'm not surprised. The Census hiring in my area was a mess. The local media reported that the Census was desperate for workers. So my wife, interested in the extra work, called the local office, was given a time and place to report for a test, went, and found out that she'd been given the wrong time and the wrong place. She called back, got a different person, got an apology, was promised more info, never received it. No wonder the Census was desperate! Bottom line: the most screwed-up Federal mess since the last time I tried to reach the IRS by phone.


Staff Alumnus
Tom, having been a pizza delivery guy, I resent that implication. ;)

Seriously, pizza drivers now have to go through background checks. For most companies, one speeding ticket in the past year is a disqual, and no felonies of any flavor.

On the other paw, the Censors Bureau hired a guy who did hard time for identity theft (can we say ironic, boyzengurls?). Now this.

"I'm from the Government, and I'm here to help you."

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus

I can only guess at your (edited) comments. Might you enlighten me by email, should want to bother...



Moderator Emeritus
I'm confident you're aware of my hair-trigger volatility and my disgust with all things Federal.

This whole Census fiasco reminds me of UPS at Christmas time...massive temp hiring, accepting almost any body that breathes. Add a temporary grant of Federal status/authority and its a gimme for abuse, fraud and crime.

And, I note that this rape is being treated as a "local jurisdiction" crime....even though committed under the auspices of Federal business. One more example of the Feds absolving themselves of responsibility and consequences.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!

Keiller TN

New member
I heard a woman telling that she had been interviewed by this same man. She said she was glad she had a gun. I think she has about 4 small kids. This may have been a deterent to the rapist.

Alexander Solzhenitzyn:
"Freedom is given to the human conditionally, in the assumption of his constant religious responsibility."


Moderator Emeritus
I would agree with JIM.F's assessment of being wary of anyone coming to your door, federal credentials or not. This is certainly no reason to bash all census workers though. No more than bashing all gun owners when some nutcase shoots up a restaurant.

It does make me wonder, though, if they do background checks on their temporary employees. :confused:

"The people have the right to bear arms for their defense and security"
Ohio Constitution, Article I, Section 4 Concealed Carry is illegal in Ohio.
Ohioans for Concealed Carry Website


New member
I was surprised when my wife let the census worker inside. This lady was nice about everything. Could that be because my wife is almost 6 feet? Don’t tell anyone (in the short time she was there I had a nine mm on the stool right beside my hand, behind the counter. Guess I'm a bad boy.


New member
My crazy sister lost her last 3 jobs over drug use . She is now ( Sit down boy . This will get you ) a Field Supervisor for the Census .
I read an ad in the paper about 7 years ago for Temp. IRS help . It paid $7.30 an hour . You speak to people that could not pay all their taxes and work out a payment schedule . Wanna spill your guts and share all your personal financial business with a Temp. ?
I love my country but my Gov't. is SCREWED !!!


Jim V

New member
Why is it when the Feds want it any cirme is a Federal crime but when it involves one of their employees, no matter how temporary, it is a local issue?

NOBODY gets into my home unless I know them and let them in. Census ID does not meet my standards for knowing them.

BTW, does anyone REALLY think that the Census Bureau would tell us if there were other such incidents?

Jehad draws nigh.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"


New member
Anyone willing to bet that some of those census temps - most expeshuly the one that speak foreign languages - were illegal, but were able to show a SS card?


New member
There is a serial rapist/robber in the north sububs of Chicago that has been going around the neighborhood impersonating a census worker or police officer. They still haven't caught the guy, but I hope he catches a bullet first....

p l i n k e r

deputy sherriff raped a 12yr old female. another killed his girlfriend. a police officer killed his girlfriend at work (the police department). police officer harbored a fugitive child molestor. state police officer kidnapped and sexually assaulted two women. expand this to correctional officers, sex with prisoners (1 m/f, 1f/m). these are just the ones sticking in mind. no telling how many happened. **** happens. it ain't all good.


New member
You can bet that Census types aren't put through a background check. The other day, a friend an I were discussing how the job would be ideal for a Goblin to case neighborhoods and get paid for it.

just a thought...