Census: Citizens tell Uncle Sam to shove it


Moderator Emeritus


Americans from coast to coast are expressing shock and outrage over the
level of detailed questioning from the federal government and the 2000
Census, with thousands of citizens vowing to pay fines rather than submit
to the private nature of the inquisition, according to congressional

"The census count is already breaking down," said one Hill source. "People
are in revolt! Calls are flooding into our office... They are very upset
about the intrusive nature of the questions, such as how a person gets to
work, whether they have any disabilities, how many cars they own, what
their income was and who they work for!"

The Constitution of the United States grants the government authority to
count population, but a "long form" being sent to 1 out of 6 American
households strays far from that goal; requiring answers to more than 53
personal questions or risk penalty.

U.S. Code, Title 13, Section 221 states citizens must fully comply with the
census or face a $100 fine. There is a $500 penalty for giving false

Census officials received more than 600,000 phone calls on Tuesday,
according to officials. The majority of the callers lodged complaints about
the probing nature of the census questions.

And thousands of calls to Capitol Hill took staffers by surprise.

"It's a firestorm," said one congressional aide.

"Is this Al Gore's idea of 'reinventing government?'" one angry caller
complained to a receptionist for a besieged senator. "I have to tell
Washington how I got to work last week? In what type of car? And the
location of my office? Screw it. I'll pay the 100 bucks!"

Congressmen on Wednesday were referring complaints to the Census Hotline

A cover letter accompanying the long form states that no one will have
access to the information other than the Census Bureau. Yet many questions
appear to violate a citizen's right to privacy:

10. What is this person's ancestry or ethnic origin?

11. a. Does this person speak a language other than English at home? b.
What is this language? c. How well does this person speak English?

12. Where was this person born?

13. Is this person a citizen of the United States?

14. When did this person come to live in the United States?

15. a. Did this person live in this house or apartment 5 years ago? b.
Where did this person live 5 years ago?

16. Does this person have any of the following long-lasting conditions:
blindness deafness or a severe vision or hearing impairment? A condition
that substantially limits one or more basic physical activities such as
walking, climbing stairs, reaching, lifting or carrying?

18. Was this person under 15 years of age on April 1, 2000?

19. Does this person have any of his/her own grandchildren under the age of
18 living in this house or apartment? Is this grandparent currently
responsible for most of the basic needs of any grandchildren under the age
of 18 who lives in this house or apartment? How long has this grandparent
been responsible fort these grandchildren?

22. At what location did this person work LAST WEEK?

23. How did this person usually get to work LAST WEEK?

24. What time did this person usually leave home to go to work LAST WEEK?

25. LAST WEEK, was this person on layoff from a job? LAST WEEK, was this
person TEMPORARILY absent from a job or business? Has this person been
informed that he or she will be recalled to work within the next 6 months
or been given a date to return to work?

27. Industry or Employer -- Describe clearly this person's chief job
activity or business last week. If this person had more than one job,
describe the one at which this person worked the most hours. If this person
had no job or business last week, give the information for his/her last job
or business since 1995. For whom did this person work? What kind of
business or industry was this? Is this mainly manufacturing? wholesale
trade? retail trade? Other (agriculture, construction, service, government,

31. Income in 1999: Wages salary, commissions, bonuses or tips from all
jobs; Self-employment from own non-farm businesses, including
proprietorships and partnerships; Interest dividends, net income, royalty
income, or income from estates and trusts.

32. What was this person's total income in 1999?

Questions 33 through 42 deal with type of housing, whether someone rents or
owns, and how many bedrooms, whether there are plumbing facilities, etc.

43. How many automobiles, vans, and trucks of one-ton capacity or less are
kept at home for use by members of your household?

46. What is monthly rent? Does the monthly rent include any meals?

47. Do you have a mortgage, deed of trust, contract to purchase or similar
debt on this property? How mush is your regular monthly mortgage payment on
this property? Does your regular monthly mortgage payment include payments
for real estate taxes on this property? Does your regular monthly mortgage
payment include payments for fire, hazard, or flood insurance on this

48. Do you have a second mortgage or a home equity loan on this property?
How much is your regular monthly payment on all second or junior mortgages
and all home equity loans on this property?

49. What were the real estate taxes on this property last year?

50. What was the annual payment for fire, hazard and flood insurance on
this property?

51. What is the value of this property; that is how much do you think this
house and lot, apartment or mobile home and lot would sell for if it were
for sale?


One out of 100 households are to receive an even more detailed
questionnaire, The American Community Survey. That form requires answers on
"physical, mental, or emotional conditions lasting 6 months or more."


Filed by Matt Drudge
Reports are moved when circumstances warrant http://www.drudgereport.com for updates

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!


New member
Exactly the point I made in the thread I started. I'm glad to see the revolt is spreading.


:D :D :D :D

Contact your congress critters today! Let's not lose the momentum on this. Keep up the pressure!

Politically, Fashionably and Aerodynamically Incorrect!

Jeff White

New member
How much do they figure to sell this demographic information for? Are the results available free of charge or will the government sell this information to marketing firms etc.?

No wonder we've been hearing public service announcements about being a good citizen and filling out the census for months.



New member
I'll have the $100.00 on hand when they knock on my door. So what, if it's all in pennies!



New member
Straight from the cover letter that came with my form:

"Your privacy is protected by law (Title 13 of the United States Code), which also requires you to answer these questions. That law ensures that your information is only used for statistical purposes and that no unauthorized person can see your form or find out what you tell us- no other government agency, no court of law, NO ONE."

Yeah, right. This from a government that can't manage to secure top secret info from all the "leaks" in Washington. Or for that matter is restricted by law from keeping lists of gun owners.

And of course the "properly authorized persons" to see this info would include a thousand or so low paid data entry clerks who have to put all this into a computer somewhere. Wanna bet that for ten bucks I could buy this confidential info on anybody I want?

Also, just who decides who IS authorized to see this info? Why the same folks who promised to keep it secret of course. But, don't worry, the list of "authorized" people will be strictly limited to only the several thousand or so people who need it.

Mark my words, boys and girls. Before long all of this "protected by law" info will be readily avalible on the internet to anybody.

Uh oh, there I go again. sorry, but this thing just really pushes my buttons. :mad:

Politically, Fashionably and Aerodynamically Incorrect!

Munro Williams

New member
Here in Japan they just require you to register at the city hall. For all that other info people just go through your trash and tap your phones.
In Turkey everyone MUST be home for the census.

Like I posted over at Political and Legal, looks like Uncle Sugar is finally catching up.

Well, here's to the Census:

:p :p :p :p :p

I'm with you all - answered Question 1 and only Question 1 to comply with 'actual Enumeration' Constitutional language, and mailed it back.

Slowpoke Rodrigo...he pack a gon...

Vote for the Neal Knox 13


Member In Memoriam
You vill show me your papers! Schnell, schnell!!!!

If they take our guns, I intend to let my hair grow long and acquire the jawbone of an ass.


New member
A couple of days ago, my wife saw our Governor Whitman interviewed about the Census. According to the wife, Whitman stated that if you found the Census too intrusive, fill out question #1 and leave the rest blank. I and all my relatives are taking her advice. If they come to my door, I'll just tell them that the Governor told me I could leave the rest blank. ;) I really doubt any of us are going to be fined. If so, I like TMoney's suggestion. They can come to my door and collect it in pennies.


New member
I just got the Census short form (I'm relieved it isn't the long form) and do not like the racial content. However, much more offensive to me are the cover letter that accompanied the form and the Census ads on the radio. Their message is, basically, that we are the peasantry, our local communities are peasant villages, and the Federal Government is our Lord of the Manor on whom we must depend for the largesse that will meet our needs. HA! I'd like to see the Feds get along without *our* money!!! :mad:


New member
Hmmmm. I wonder if some beurocrat had the bright idea to make the census this way because he knew people wouldn't stand for it and would happily fork over the hundred bucks. Sounds like a pretty ingenious way to make lots of money.


Staff Alumnus
I think I'll answer question 1 as well.

I- and my 18 y/o brother- have gotten very upset at all the census adds. I don't want "your" money! Just stop taking mine!

The last straw was an add I heard two nights ago. It depicted a teacher on her first day. She takes her class all around, to find...her classroom is a janitorial closet! Yeah, right. Fill out the census, or your children will have to learn in a closet. :( I got hopping mad...

I have had to field several calls in the last few days who wanted to know why their taxes were so high on their wireless statements. My basic response was something like:
This is not official ****** policy, but basically, this is due to an increasingly large government...I agree, it IS outrageous!


New member
Fill the darn thing out for your dog. Tell them you speak Navaho. Tell them your ancestors come from the planet Xynor. Tell them you were born in 1983,AND you have six grandchildren living with you. Tell ad nausem about the physical infirmities you have especially the uncontrollable bowel problem (attach a seperate sheet), and the voices in your head.Tell them you drive a buggy. The business you are in is making electromagnetic gyrostabilized hydropneumatic squall indicators used in the replacement of hip sockets for veterinarian use, primarily mice and gerbils, but since you asked, they CAN be used or modified for use in....blah blah.. Tell them the last house you lived in was a Maytag box behind the hardware store on the corner of 5th and Main. You get the point. Screw with them.


Staff Alumnus
My gf's letter to the C-Springs Gazette, published today:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
I just received my Census 2000 questionnaire, which asks for a lot of information that the government does not need to know in order to get an accurate head count of the people in my household. The letter enclosed with the questionnaire reads: "Your privacy is protected by law (Title 13 of the United States Code), which also requires that you answer these questions." As a Libertarian, this offends me beyond description.

First of all, I find it interesting that Section 13 of the United States Code is not included in this packet.

Second, yes, my privacy is protected - by the United States Constitution. When our forefathers drafted the Constitution, they did not mean our right to privacy applied to everyone except the government, they meant everyone, especially the government. And finally, the only information the government is allowed to collect in the census is the number of people in each household, as specified in Article I, Section II of the Constitution.

Cindy Pearson
Colorado Springs

I'm officially in love. :D

"If your determination is fixed, I do not counsel you to despair. Few things are impossible to diligence and skill. Great works are performed not by strength, but perseverance."
-- Samuel Johnson

Munro Williams

New member
:D :D :D :D :D

I'm an English teacher in Japan and when I don't have classes to teach I cyberskate over here to enjoy myself.

I hope you realize that my sudden outburst of laughter, accompanied with tears, knee-slaps and shortness of breath drew some extremely curious glances from some extremely staid and solid Japanese teachers.

Were I back home, I'd follow your advice. It'd be the best $500 I'd ever spend.


Jeff Thomas

New member
Actually, I've just had a brainstorm, prompted by a comment above.

Answer just the first question on the form - number of people in the household. If they come to your house, as they might, run the conversation something like this:


'Hello, I'm Karen Nottowork, and I'm from the Census Bureau!' :)

'Hola. No habla ingles.' you say, with a smile. ;)

'Oh, hablo espanol!' the census worker says with an excited look in her eyes, glad to use her second language.

'Quatro personas' (or substitute the Spanish word for the correct number in the home) you say with a smile.

'Pero, yo hablo espanol!' the census worker says, as she launches into more Spanish than I can relate ...

'Adios!' you say with a smile, and gently close the door.

Repeat this procedure as necessary. This will be especially effective if you are a blue-eyed, red-haired person of Irish descent ... ;)

I want to see how they score that one! ;)

Munro Williams

New member
Here are some real lunatic fringe contributions, Jeff:

A-na-ta wa byo-ki-na dai-jin no chi-sai-no hai-gu-ru-ma shi-ka-nai.

(You're only a crazy bureaucrat's tiny little

Ji-yu ka shi ka!

(Liberty or death!)