Celsius 41.11


Moderator Emeritus
I downloaded and watched the trailer last week. Looks like a good film, but it certainly won't get the publicity that "F 9/11" got. Unfortunately. :(


Moderator Emeritus

Like it will make a difference whether Bush or Kerry gets in there. They're both willing servants of the globalists.

If Kerry was in the White House, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have been happily stocking up on LE-marked AR mags at the gun show on Saturday. W may be a sorry president, but Kerry's so far to the left that he makes Milquetoast George look like Calvin frickin' Coolidge.

Given the fact that "None Of The Above" doesn't stand a snowball's chance even though I'll likely vote for him, I know which of the Big Two I'll be reluctantly cheering for in November.
Politics hasn't been "May the better man win" since Teddy Roosevelt and the Bull Moose Party faded into memory. Today it's "the lesser of two evils." :( Clearly dubya is the lesser of two evils.


Watching the run up to this coming match of WWF I speculate on what would have been the reaction of most people in this country - watching it in the 1950s - the personal and party contraversies, political policies and agendas as currently manifested and or proposed by both candidates. All with the frequency and manner it is presented today on tv, radio and in print.

I am sure that a significantly larger number of people would catch on.

George Bush is well over on the left side of "center". He is a global soclialist - as is Kerry. Kerry has been fronted as to appear only somewhat less lunatic than Howard Dean.

When you are offered two cups from two apparently different people; one they tell you is a poison that will kill you in ten minutes - and the other they say five - both are poison, will kill you with certainty, and you can be sure that neither is your friend - nor those that sent them to you.

"We must press on with our agenda for peace and prosperity in every land." - George Bush, to the United Nations General Assembly, November 10, 2001


New member

You've got "Michael Moore Hates America"

"Fahrenhype 9/11"

and now

"Fahrenheit 41.11"

It seems that Michael Moore needs a full time cottage industry of indy filmmakers just to debunk all of the tripe he spews.