Cdr Vs Govt 1911


New member
I am having regrets ordering a CDR length 1911 as my first custom 1911. I remember seeing an article citing opinions on why the 5" is better, but have been unable to locate that particular article. The opinions were from some highly respectable gun enthusiasts (gunsmiths & operators). Would someone please point me in the right direction. Hopefully I can read more about the length issue and see if my gunsmith has already started on my order. Thank you.


New member
First off why would someones working for the phone company as an operator make them an expert on 1911s?

Anyway some folks prefer the GM over a Commander and many prefer it the reverse. Both work very well. 3/4 of an inch in length is the difference. Enough to make a difference in how the gun feels but not enough to alter the guns functioning any. It's a matter of preference. There, now you're pointed in the right direction.



New member
I'm a Commander fan, I've got three of them and 6 Govt models. The CDR balances better in my hand and I shoot better with it.


New member
I like the Govt model if I'm going with a full size grip. I don't see the advantage of the Commander's 4" barrel over the 5" barrel if you are keeping the same frame.

Now, my Colt CCO has a Commander slide, but it's on a shorter grip length Officer's frame. That I really like.

If I'm going to CCW, it's either an alloy framed Govt. model or CCO for me. For HD, it's a steel framed Govt.


New member

I've owned a number of 1911 type pistols over the years, and for whatever reason, I simply prefer the shorter length Commander versions. To me it just balances and points better than the full size Government model. And reliability and accuracy have been just as good as well. So don't worry so much on what the experts claim, get whatever feels the best to you and enjoy.


New member
My first handgun was a Commander, and for me, it is a more balanced pistol. Later I got a full-sized GM clone, and while it is the mil-spec-like pistol I have always wanted, it's just not right to me.

With the shorter barrel, you give up a little velocity, but many feel that you get a little more quickness on the draw, plus a slight bit of compactness.

Bottom line, personal preference.


My gunsmith that worked for Colt for 9 years likes the Commanders the best. I like the CCO sized, since you don't sacrifice velocity much, and function is still there, more concealable, and, my full sized Wilson mags are still useable.


Moderator Emeritus
When God put the first 1911 in St. Browning's hands, it had a 5" barrel.

There are heretics who prefer other barrel lengths, but they will pay for their iniquities when they burn in the hereafter.

I'm pretty sure that's in Deuteronomy someplace, near the bits about witches and people in foreign parts who eat shellfish and talk funny.


New member

So we of the Triple C (Colt Commander Cult), are heathen now are we. Well I guess my bible goes back a little further than yours, as when J. Moses led us out of the wheelderness, into the promised land of the ACP. It was there that it was created the Model 1900 with its 6" rule and its .38 Rimless Smokeless, to go forth and convert the unbelievers. And yea, though the Army of the Republic did not embrace the true belief, they thought enough of the Model 1900 to, and I quote from the Book of Ordnance, Chapter 1, Verse 900:
(The Colt pistols offers)
Very simple construction.
It is easy to operate.
It is not liable to get out of order.
It is capable of a very high rate of fire.
It can be conveniently loaded with either hand.
It gives a high initial velocity and flat trajectory.
It is more accurate than a revolver.
And verily though the Model 1900 did not win the approval of the Board of Trials, it did go forth and multiply. One such notable offspring was the Model 1903 Pocket Hammer; with its 4 1/2 " barrel it is revered as the one true and future Commander by all those who follow the teachings of Brother J. Moses, forever and ever. Amen.


New member
And reliability and accuracy have been just as good as well. So don't worry so much on what the experts claim, get whatever feels the best to you and enjoy.
+1 on that. Spoken from the 3 5/8" Officer & a Gentleman....:)


New member
+1 on what DMK said. For concealed carry, it's hard to beat a lightweight commander sized slide with officer sized grip frame.

John Moses Browning may be the prophet of the old but the prophet of the new is Col. Jeff Cooper and he most often carried a lightweight Colt Commander.


New member
I guess it's just jitters. I'll stick with the CDR since it's already being built. I don't want to piss the smith off. Thanks for the reassurance.

michael t

New member
Commander has better blance than Gov. I can sit with a commander IWB with Gov its not comfortable . I'll keep my Commanders and Compacts

Johnny Guest

Moderator in Memoriam
SIGNIFICANT differences.

A couple of members have written that about ¾ inch in length is the only difference between CDR and full size. I think the savings of 12+ ounces is an important factor. The post-WWII developments of a lightweight pistol for the US military didn't result in a military contract, but Colt's decided to recoup some of the development costs by introducing the Commander for commercial sales in 1949. I think it was one of their great decisions.

Granted, the Commander (CLW) gives up a little velocity and some sight radius to the 5" pistol. It is a pistol for those who carry much but shoot seldom. I think, if I was in a military up-close-and-personal combat unit, or in a police felony apprehension squad, I'd want a full size Government Model, set up JUST so. The full 5-inch gun is also better for bullseye match accuracy, and soaking up recoil during action matches. If, on the other hand, it is just a matter of wanting to be armed for personal protection, or if one's duties are somewhat less rigorous, the CLW is a truly fine sidearm. Compact, about 26 ½ ounces empty, flat, powerful, and (subjectively) points well..

For most of my career I carried a CLW with one spare magazine, and felt reasonably well armed. The mild increase in felt recoil was an acceptable penalty for not having my pants dragged southward by the heavier pistol.

The third choice, the so-called Combat Commander (CC,) 1969, is the worst of both worlds. It has the shorter sight radius and some of the sharper recoil of the [real] Commander, but not the light weight. It is only about 1½ ounces lighter than the Govt Model. However, there's no denying that the CC has been a big seller for Colt's. I think this is because it just LOOKS so good, and it soaks up recoil well. Most who buy the CC, of course, do not carry any pistol on a daily basis. An exception might be certain uniformed peace officers and others who carry openly. Given that a heavy gunbelt helps support the weight, either the CC or Govt Model can be conveniently carried.

AlexGRT, it is your choice and your money, surely. Have you ever carried and shot either of the Commander Models? You're commiting to a significant expense, and you might wish to try 'em out. If you DO change your mind, and it hasn't been too long since you placed your order, you might still be able to order the lightweight frame. If not, a careful choice of a sturdy 1½ inch belt and a good, stiff OWB holster can still make the carry burden acceptable.

Whatever your decision, I wish you the best of luck.


New member
Agreed; the length isn't much of an issue, unless you spend a lot of time sitting while you're packing, but the weight? That's where the real benefit is, and why I could never undertand the "combat commander". If you are going into combat, take a 5" gun, and if you are packing, save the weight. :)


New member
I like em both. I don't think you will regret it especially if it's for concealment. The only 1911s I worry about are the Officers size guns. Sometimes they work well and other times they have feed problems. When I carry a 1911 it's a Kimber Pro CDP II. Thats the Commander size. Very accurate and reliable.:)