CDNN Texas??


New member
So I placed an order with them last Tuesday and they have yet to ship my order. The $14.99 shipping is a rip off but that was the only place for me to find what I needed.

Any one have the similar experience ordering from them? or this is just those once a while "incident"?:confused:

Carne Frio

New member
Sorry to hear about your problem.
I only order from them when they have
a special on shipping. E-mail them
about your trouble. I always got good
service from them, and when they have
a special it's usually the lowest price around.:D


what did you buy that had a measly $14.99 shipping? Try looking on other sites where shipping is anywhere from $35 to almost $85.........If it bothered you that much, you should have shopped elsewhere


New member
They offer 9.99 flat rate shipping just about every weekend. I've been a regular customer for years and they've always delivered good stuff at good prices with fast shipping...


New member
what did you buy that had a measly $14.99 shipping? Try looking on other sites where shipping is anywhere from $35 to almost $85.........If it bothered you that much, you should have shopped elsewhere

I don't know where you shop, but if you are paying that price for shipping :barf:, than you Win.

I just sent an email to CDNN.


New member
Never any problem with CDNN however all mail order now is charging too much on shipping especially on small items under a pound which can be mailed priority mail for around $5, personally I avoid places that over charge on shipping but I'm a hard core consumer out of necessity.;)
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Te Anau

New member
$14.99 for shipping isnt exorbitant unless you are used to paying $9.99 and all you want is a couple of lightweight magazines.Dang you CDNN! :cool:


From what I understand is, they have one flat rate of $14.99. no matter how much you order from $.025- to $500+.

I've been waiting to see if I need more stuff from them before I fork out $14.99 shipping for one Beretta 21a 22lr mag.

I just don't need anything else from them right now, so I'll wait.


New member
I've always had exceptional service and fast shipping from CDNN. Give them a call, I'm sure they will make things right with you. Good luck.


New member
I had to file a claim form but have yet to hear anything about my package...:(
Getting pretty pissy at this point.

How do you buy guns from them? Their website doesn't have any gun on it:confused:


New member
I quit doing business with CDNN about 15 years ago, when they tried to screw me. This was after the gun ban of '94 they had advertised pre-ban Feather 9mm's with collapsible stocks. I ordered 5 of them. When they came they were post bans with non-collapsible stocks. I called and the person I spoke with told me that the ad was wrong and they should have been listed as post-bans. I told him I didn't want them and that I was going to send them back. He said no problem, but when I asked him how they were going to refund me the cost to ship them back, that's when things changed. He stated that I would have to pay the cost to ship them back. I told him that since it was not my mistake that I shouldn't have to be the one to pay for the return shipping. He stated that if I didn't want them, then I would have to pay to send them back. I again stated that this was their mistake and I shouldn't be the one to end up paying for receiving something that I didn't order. He began to get angry and raising his voice. I couldn't believe what I was listening too. It wasn't until I threatened to contact my credit card company and have the charges reversed that he finally agreed to refund the cost of having to ship them back. Like I tried to explain to him," Why should I have to pay for your mistake." This was no way to treat a customer. I told him before I hung up that I'm sure he doesn't care, but even though I'm a small time customer compared to some larger dealers that they deal with, I would never buy from them again. I've been true to my word.