CDC Warns of "Zombie Apocalypse" -- No Joke

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New member
I know the rules but I couldn't resist. The Center for Disease Control, an official U.S. government agency, is warning citizens to prepare for a possible upcoming "Zombie Apocalypse." Fox News reports:
Are you prepared for the impending zombie invasion?

That's the question posed by the Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention in a Monday blog posting gruesomely titled, "Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse." And while it's no joke, CDC officials say it's all about emergency preparation.
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Members here will be quick to note that the CDC apparently never mentions having a firearm (at least according to Fox New). That should be the first item to have in a ZA. Of course, the CDC has historically been anti-gun but let's don't go into politics here. Otherwise, the mods might have to move this to the Law and Civil Rights section. :D

BTW, I had trouble directly connecting to the CDC's official warning so maybe the Zombies got to them.


New member
I guess I'll have to get some 'dragon's breath' rounds for my 12 ga !! I can't think of anything better. :D
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