

New member
Well I'm at a cross roads again and need so helpful suggestions from TFL members. In my job it is not possible for me to carry on my person... so... I carry in a fanny pack. Now I would like to carry my Para Ord. P-12 LDA....(Have done this in the past) but its really to heavy, and anyone who ever picks up my fanny pack know it. I currently carry a Bersa .380.... which is OK, but, I would like to keep the Cal in the 4 area and keep the weight way down. It can not be a revolver. I have a KelTec P-32 which is very light but .32 is not known to be a major choice in a protective weapon, and there is no manual safty.
Sorry but it cannot be a Glock as I must have a manual safty(just in case some doof gets into my fanny pack and pulls the trigger it won't go bang.)
So I'm not asking for too much, am I. A small, dependable "light weight"(as in lighter then my Bersa.), semi auto in Cal 9mm, .40, .45...that has a manual safty.
Is there such an animal? I thought about a Titanium Semi Auto......but does anyone make something like that, or am I doomed to carry my Bersa forever?
thanks for any help.


I think that buying a gun with a manual safety because you hope that someone who gets your gun doesn't know how to release it is a bad, bad idea.....


New member
:eek: Sorry I agree with the above post.... Conceal Carry is just that...Carry it and I think I'd bloody the nose of anyone trying to touch my carry gun. Just not a good idea to not have complete control at all times of your firearm.


WADR, how come you can't carry on your person? Why would you set your fanny pack down with your gun in it?

Sounds like you just need to try a half dozen different holsters until you find one you can live with. Yeah sometimes it can be a pita to carry, but thats the premium you pay for being insured.

Sounds like you're asking who sells an insurance policy that you don't have to pay premiums on, lol. Not laughing at you, jus joking around.

To answer your question, maybe a BHP or CZ75?

Wanna guess how many holsters I have in the drawer that hardly/never gets used? My fanny pack is in the drawer too.


Moderator Emeritus
A small, dependable "light weight"(as in lighter then my Bersa.), semi auto in Cal 9mm, .40, .45...that has a manual safty.
Is there such an animal? I thought about a Titanium Semi Auto......

Taurus offers their Millennium nines with Ti slides. Tiny, light, and possessing a manual safety.

If you're willing to forgo the mechanical safety requirement, there's a host of Ti/Al revolvers from Smith and Taurus.

If you're willing to forgo the mechanical safety and tiny requirements, you can get the above-mentioned guns in various exotic combinations like 8-shot .357's and 6-shot .44 Mag or .45 ACP.


New member
The Smith & Wesson SW1911Sc (Scandium) sounds like the gun you're looking for, though it is larger than a P12 as it has a full size frame and a four and a half inch barrel length. Otherwise I think Tamara has suggested your only other options.

Arc Angel

New member
Sorry but it cannot be a Glock as I must have a manual safty(just in case some doof gets into my fanny pack and pulls the trigger it won't go bang.)

:confused: You've lost me. What's so terribly wrong with, 'MOSSAD carry'? Something like half of Europe, and all of Israel do it. There's, also, something called a, 'Saf-T-Blok' trigger safety. I use one whenever I carry a Glock in a leather holster; and I like it a lot. IMO, it adds zero-time to weapon presentation.

I'd like to add that I'm, also, a great fan of the Beretta, 'Alley Cat'. (A, 'Tom Cat' w/ night sights.) I've always got one in my front left pocket. Mine has Pearce rubber grips on it. I got them from Big States Distributors in Houston, TX. The ONLY place I know of that fits a rubber cutout for the newer extended safety-lever models.

My, 'Alley Cat' really fills my hand; and it's got this great big, 'golf ball' front sight on it; consequently, I am able to shoot it as accurately as if it were a much larger pistol.

Maybe it is, only, a 32acp; but, inside 8 yards, it's a guaranteed, 'heart attack'! :D


New member
I got lost at you not being able to have the gun on your person, but able to have it in a fanny pack. The fanny pack is still nothing more than a holster that you wear. Is it against company policy to carry on your person, or have I misunderstood something?


New member
It can't be a revolver, can't be a Glock, can't be too big because it has to be carried in a fanny pack and not "on your person", and has to have a manual safety because you're worried about someone using it against you and not comprehending the incredibly complex inner workings of the thumb safety would somehow prevent this?

Simple, buy what you feel comfortable with and practice this rule: Don't let other people touch your firearms. In fact, it would be completely irresponsible to have your gun lying around whether in or out of a fanny pack. And if the fanny pack is strapped to you at the time, guess what, legally, it's "on your person".

Oh, and by the way, a guy wearing a fanny pack screams one of two things:

1) I'm a geeky tourist at Disney World OR
2) I have a gun in here. Aren't I clever?

I had a friend in the FBI who used to carry his sidearm in a fanny pack until his partner joking "stole" it and replaced it with a neon orange water pistol. Since that day it was IWB for him.

I'm personally starting to look closely at the Springfield XD
s, and not just because they have a grip safety. It's basically an American-made Glock, only uglier!


New member
Maybe it is, only, a 32acp; but, inside 8 yards, it's a guaranteed, 'heart attack'!

Don't bet your life on it. Even a 12 guage isn't a guaranteed 'heart attack'. Unrealistic expectations (based on advice from gun store commandos or Hollywood movies) are more dangerous than any criminal out there.

Arc Angel

New member
Hey, who ya calling a, ‘gun store commando’? :eek:

I’m, also, too old now to believe everything a television set tries to tell me; but, yeah, maybe I can see this. Winter clothing (or a vest) is always a factor; so is old carry ammo; and, yes, some people are, ‘harder’ to put down than others.

Still, 8 rounds of 32 ball ammo is hard to argue with; and, let’s not forget which caliber holds the all-time record for killing people – the 25acp! In any event a, ‘Tom Cat’ is, still, better than a slingshot. On days when I’m feeling reckless: it, 2 extra mags, and a CRKT #7783 are all I carry. Does this make me a bad person? :D


New member
OK you guys I was looking for the perfect weapon for a small nitch in my life, I was hopefully looking to find something bigger and better then a .380.
In my job wearing a fanny pack is quite common. Yeah I might be a geek, but I'm a 6'4'', 270 pound geek and not too many people give me grief anyway. No I don't work at Disney World wearing a goofy outfit.
I work in a Hospital and wear scrubs, there lays the problem with carring on my person as most hospitals don't want you to do that, therefore it must be hidden at all times. Don't want to leave a gun in the car or in a locker as both have been broken into, so much for security at a hospital.
This leaves me with my fanny pack.........Sometimes the fanny pack comes off during breaks or during long cases is hung on my cart, there fore the access to the fanny pack by some unknown Nurse. Nurses, like OR Techs, Aids, House keeping people.... sometimes become curious and open things they shouldn't. Thats why I wanted a manual safty(a decocker like on my Bersa.) Now .45 is wonderful, but, Lugging a heavy weight around for 14-16 hours somtimes becomes a pain. So I guess here are my choices.
1. Your in a Hospital you don't need a gun anyway, true but I have to drive to the hospital, often late at night. So carry a stick not a gun.
2. Don't ever take you fanny pack off.
3. Keep what you got because its better then nothing.
4. Forget the whole thing as you live in the rural area and nothing bad happens there anyway, leave the gun at home, or put a small gun safe in your truck. If you don't some dumb Nurse will find it and shoot herself in the eye.
5. the local police will protect you.
6. Hospital security will protect you.

fyrestarter....."I had a friend in the FBI".....fyrestarter, I know this is a fib as you don't have any friends.

Tamara, thank you for your suggestion. The Taurus has not gotten much good press, in fact, mostly bad. I looked at the Millennium nines but was told, by several people, to avoid them.

Thank you all for you suggestions.


New member
fyrestarter....."I had a friend in the FBI".....fyrestarter, I know this is a fib as you don't have any friends

That was an uncalled for comment. I neither insulted you nor your station in life; I just merely made light of people carrying fanny packs. It wasn't personal. I offered my suggestion, which was to carry what you felt comfortable with, as well as my opinion that people who carry guns should never leave them unattended for any reason, regardless of what sort of bag it was contained in, or how much of a "pain" it is to carry it all day. You seem quite easily agitated at the mere suggestion that your idea of gun "safety" is, at best, irresponsible, and could result in a fatality. All the manual safeties in the world won't prevent you from being prosecuted for negligent homicide.

If you want to make pointless insults, please, go to an AOL chatroom.

Arc Angel

New member
Whoever told you that a handgun was a "guaranteed 'heart attack'"!

:) Sorry for the delay, just saw this. Let me put it this way: If, with the thousands of rounds I fire every year, I can't guarantee someone a, 'heart attack' inside 8 yards, well then, it's going to be time for me to, either, learn how to beg for mercy or take up the bow and arrow!

Hope this clears it up for ya. ;)


New member
Oh fartstarter, lighten up. Dude I was just making light of you for your remark, remember I used the word "fib" not "lie". Heck, I know you got do have a dog,....don't you?

And yeah, I know you never leave your weapon lying around, but realistically people forget and sometimes a fanny pack does get left out in the open. My wish was to up grade my CCW to a larger Cal in the same size weapon and still provide for a finial safty net, you know a decocker manual safty for the doof who does pull the trigger. Now is this ever going to happen? well no, as I have watched my stuff pretty close. But all I asked for was a few suggestions to help me out. As I recall you were the one who started the whole thing by making the remark about the fanny packs.

"Oh, and by the way, a guy wearing a fanny pack screams one of two things:

1) I'm a geeky tourist at Disney World OR
2) I have a gun in here. Aren't I clever?"

So if you can't take the ribbing back, heck, don't start the ribbing.

later Dude


New member
That was an uncalled for comment.

Hey, it was a joke - the kind of friendly insult we give to good buddies. Don't sweat it. It may have been a bit much coming from a complete stranger (and who is stranger than somebody who calls himself Darkangel?), but it looked like nothing but good natured ribbing from where I sit.

BTW, Darkangel, if I had a dog with a face like yours.....



New member
Sorry for the delay, just saw this. Let me put it this way: If, with the thousands of rounds I fire every year, I can't guarantee someone a, 'heart attack' inside 8 yards, well then, it's going to be time for me to, either, learn how to beg for mercy or take up the bow and arrow!

Hope this clears it up for ya.

Well, get yer bow, then, because there are no such guarantees. No matter your skill level or caliber of choice, there are no guarantees.