CCW Situation


New member
Something happened to me last Sunday and after the fact I was thinking that
I wasn't sure exactly what the right way to handle it would be. My son and I
were walking down Main St in Breckenridge with our dog on a leash. The
sidewalk was crowded and pretty narrow. I saw a couple with large mutt
sitting on the left side so I moved my dog to the right. Their dog had a leash
and I heard the man tell it to stay when we got close. Next thing I knew my
dog cuts in front of me, closely followed by the other dog and I trip over it,
falling to the ground in a heap. I wasn't hurt but just taken by suprise.

Now the question. I was carrying my P32 in a front pocket holster at the
time. A few minutes later I thought what would have happened if it had
fallen out of my pocket? I know it's not likely but Breck on a holiday Sunday
is full of the same crowd you'd find at any shopping mall. What would be the
best response? Pick it up and move on quietly? Show your permit?




New member
I'd just pick it up and be on my way. If a question is raised with LE, then show the permit. It's really nobody's business otherwise.


New member
Just pick it up, put it away..
And continue on.

Be alert..
If a cop even WHISPERS "stop".
Do so immediatly with hands showing.



New member
mrsMTN is right.

Your duty to keep it concealed applies to normal circumstances.

If you notice the majority of people in Breckenridge tripping and falling @ss over teakettle every few steps as they walk along in public, you may want to make sure your P-32 is more secure.... :D


New member

youlive in Breck?

I'll be there in middle october for a 2 week elk hunting stint... (hunting in Coyne valley) and staying in Alma (just over the divide)

nice area...

Steve Smith

New member
Hemicuda, did you think you were talking to me? The other guy hasn't been around long, so I figured you thought he was me.