CCW-Shield 9 or CZ P01


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Discuss. I have a Shield for my wife so the commonality of parts is appealing, but I have been intrigued by CZ for some time now. I am 5-9 and about 180. This will be my first CC piece.


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Stupid question on my part, but is the shield da/sa? Because the CZ is. Just wondering of you are comparing apples to apples.


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Shield is striker. I am familiar with both types as I have several of each type. I was just more wondering how concealable the CZ actually is.


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I carrya Shield 9mm and have nothing but good to say about it. A friend has a P01 and it is a good gun but for CC the Shield in my opinion has it beat by a good bit. Either are good but for the intended role in 9mm the Shield is hard to beat.


New member
The CZ-p-01 is hard to beat. You may also want to look at the CZ -PCR its basely a P-01 with out a rail.


New member
The two are nothing a like,size , weight, capacity.
The P-01 is about the same as carring a Glock 19 and requires a bit more effort to conceal,That said I would choose the CZ I love mine.


New member
Kevin never pick a firearm for your lady, steer maybe but don't bring something home she has not handled and shot. Pay for it yes but don't buy it. You say she shoots a shield now?? Is that right ?? Would this lady want a heavy wide range pistol or one thats thinner and lighter pistol than the cz and one with a trigger than feels more like the shield but is still very range and carry worthy. M&Pcompact. Both can use a apex kit and the m&p is more than accurte and controlable. I know as my wife brought one home for a house and fun gun.

Now if your lady does not shoot your shield you bought her then leave her choices to her completely. Just get her to a range with lady instructors or other lady shooters. She will figure it out.


New member
The two are nothing a like,size , weight, capacity.
The P-01 is about the same as carring a Glock 19 and requires a bit more effort to conceal,That said I would choose the CZ I love mine.

Bingo. The Shield is a sub-compact, polymer framed 9MM like the Walther PPS, Beretta Nano, etc. The CZ P-01 is a double stack, 9MM, semi-compact, service pistol with alloy frame. Two totally different types of pistols.

What do I CCW mostly? A CZ-75D PCR which is essentially a P-01 without a light rail.
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New member
I like apples (CZ) and don't like oranges (striker) sooooooooooooo
Would also go for PCR unless you want or need the rail on P01. Also not so much of a decocker fan so I might consider another CZ or Canik with safety instead of decocker.


If you can conceal the P-01, that'd be the way I'd go. And there is more difference between the P-01 and the PCR than what's been said. It's not just the rail on the P-01. The PCR's frame is cast aluminum. The P-01's frame is forged aluminum. I would definitely choose a P-01 over the PCR and it will be much more enjoyable shooting at the range than a sub compact carry pistol. I've owned and had a great deal of experience with the P-01 and the only pistol that really compares is the hard to find SIG/Sauer P-228. ;)

Uncle Malice

New member
You should really be comparing this against the 9C(slightly smaller than the P01) or even the full size M&P (slightly larger than the P01).

All of them are good guns... but for concealability, the Shield wins by a mile.

chris in va

New member
I haven't tried the Shield, so being a CZ fan I'm a bit biased.

My philosophy is a carry gun has to be shootable at least to 25 yards. I know these little credit-cards-with-barrels are all the rage, but being a member of a IPSC club for a couple years has made me realize longer hits could be a valuable skill to achieve.

My P01 lets me do this. Not a 'target' pistol by any means, but it has an ease of use I simply haven't found in anything else I've tried including Glocks. 14+1 capacity and a comfortable weight. It simply feels like it was custom made for my hand.

Not to say the little guns don't have a place, like deep concealment or carry requires something really light and compact. But for daily carry with a cover garment the P01 does it for me. I've since installed a fiber optic front sight and 15# hammer spring.


New member
My wife picked out the Shield for herself, has had it for some time and loves it. I have shot it a bunch too and love it. My question was about concealability, not different functions etc. I have a Jericho so I am familiar w the CZ guns. I just have never physically held the P01 and wondered if it was something that a person w my frame could conceal living in Florida. I love the CZ platform but didn't know if the size and weight would be an issue to conceal as this is my first CCW. That's all. I am aware of the specs and comparing apple's to oranges etc, but I was wondering more about comfort and such.


New member
If comfort and concealment is your concern, go with the Shield. I carried a P-01 for some time and while I absolutely and totally like the gun, I eventually went to the Ruger SR9c for comfort and easier/better concealment. And I might add, it was a good move.


New member
Since you live in SW FL, I suggest the shield or some other sub compact over the CZ P01 because of better concielability(SP?) in your warmer climate.


New member
It depends on how you dress.

I had no trouble carrying CZs when I lived in Florida and Georgia, but I also would dress in light layers. Example: cargo shorts with belt, and moisture-wicking tank or undershirt under unbuttoned outer shirt, worn loose. CZ carried IWB, over the undershirt, under the outer shirt.

Choose the right fabrics and colors (structured shirts work better than unstructured; solids IMO show less break or print than do pinstripes and plaids), and a P01 sized gun hides easily.

I had an M&P9C, not the Shield, and it was a nice enough gun, but my P01s are much better shooters. (Something about CZ grip contours just work well for me.)

OTOH, if you like to wear just a t-shirt, loose over a gun, then the Shield will be much simpler to conceal, and the P01 may or may not work for CC.


New member
And there is more difference between the P-01 and the PCR than what's been said. It's not just the rail on the P-01. The PCR's frame is cast aluminum. The P-01's frame is forged aluminum. I would definitely choose a P-01 over the PCR and it will be much more enjoyable shooting at the range than a sub compact carry pistol. I've owned and had a great deal of experience with the P-01 and the only pistol that really compares is the hard to find SIG/Sauer P-228.

Yes there are a few more differences between the P-01, and PCR. I don't think it really matters that one's frame is cast aluminum, and the other is forged as they are both very strong, and both passed rigorous tests. I have never heard of a frame failure on either.

The PCR has better Novak styled sights, and a truly unobtrusive loaded chamber indicator. In addition, while it is similar in size to the P-01, it has a slimmer muzzle without a light rail, which makes it a bit easier to carry. It does however fit perfectly in my Sig P228's holster which also does not have a light rail.

Finally, the PCR is NOT a sub compact pistol. It is the same size as other CZ Compacts including the P-01. Maybe you are thinking of the RAMI??? :confused:


New member
I ended up ordering the Shield. I already have two spare 8 round mags for my wife's gun so it made sense.

Ay recommendations for IWB holsters? Also, with the recent ammo shortage, haven't seen a lot of good defense rounds locally. I bought some Golden Sabre +p's for my Jericho, but the Shield doesn't jive with +p if I remember correctly. What are you guys using for a good non+p 9mm round? I have some 135gr Federal HST's that I leave loaded for the wife, but I only have like 15 left and can't find them for the life of me. Any suggestions are welcome.