CCW, Restaurants


New member
Our state is considering allowing CCW in restaurants that serve alcohol. Editors & letter writers are, of course, wetting their pants.

Those of you whose states already have restaurant carry, please give a brief post here, name your state & general experience, any violations, any permit holders caught drinking? Any robberies thwarted? Any helpful stuff you see.

Wanting to gather some quick facts to help our cause here.



New member
One can carry in a restaurant in Kentucky so long as the restaurant earns 51% of it's revenue from food. If it earns less than that on food it is considered a bar and is off limits.

As far as stories concerning restaurant carry, I'm not aware of any good or bad. In other words blood hasn't ran in the streets because people carry their guns with them out to dinner.

What you are experiencing is typical anti gun hysteria that the facts never support.

If you want facts, go to and it will list by state who allows restaurant carry.

Spats McGee

Arkansas law allows carry in restaurants that serve alcohol. There's no prohibition on drinking while carrying either. However, if you're convicted of committing any alcohol-related crime while carrying, you lose your CHCL. I'm unaware of any incidents involving CHCL holders as a result.


New member
AZ recently went to no permit needed to conceal carry,,, however, getting your CC permit allows you additional liberties on where you can CC. One of those additional places is at restaurants and bars.

I really dont recall any news storys, pro or con, since the law took place.

For the most , un-eventfull....... as expected. :)


New member
I don't remember the exact number but somewhere in the neighborhood of 22 states (including Tennessee, Arizona, Georgia and Virginia) allow weapons in restaurants that serve alcohol. In a few of them you don't even need any kind of permit or license.

If you add up all of these states plus the time the laws have been in place, you have a cumulative total of at least 60 years of evidence as to what happens when a state allows weapons in restaurants that serve alcohol.

And what has this real-world evidence shown us? The answer is very simple, it has shown us that there haven't been any problems that didn't already exist before the law was passed.

This is not opinion or "feelings", this is not guessing about "what might happen", this is factual history of how people are behaving over a significant period of time. This is what armed citizens are actually doing (which is behaving themselves).

Anyone ignoring the truth and historical evidence in an attempt to create a hysterical scenario of "blood on the bar" needs to face the fact that they are just plain wrong and we have proof that they are wrong.
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chris in va

New member
No problems in VA or FL when I was there for 5 years...

Well, VA just recently allowed concealed carry in restaurants. It was open carry before that.

But anyway, I haven't heard of any issues here in KY the past two years living here. Not to say it doesn't happen, and I'm sure there are violators, but no 'blood running in the streets' sort of events.


New member
In Virginia we can CCW in restaurants that serve alcohol, my wife and I take turns as to whom will be having wine for dinner when we go out, the loser also gets to be designated driver. :D

A few of the bars I frequented when I was younger I wouldn't even go to now, I've actually seen pool cues used on the pool table one or twice, add CCW to the mix and no way I'm entering now.:eek:

The amusing thing is we can CCW but we can't smoke in restaurants anymore.


New member
No restriction here in Minnesota.
The law is written as to "NOT" trap a person IMHO.
Guns and ETOH do not mix. ETOH is liquid Stupid!
A permitted person here can legally have a drink, but again I take this to be a safety so that if a drink is put in front of him/her that person is not a violator.
The limit of .04BAC is the letter of the law here. I tell all my students that its only to keep us from being trapped and definitely not a pass to drink with a gun.

Subdivision 1. [ACTS PROHIBITED.] A person may not carry a
pistol on or about the person's clothes or person in a public
*(1) when the person is under the influence of a controlled
substance, as defined in section 152.01, subdivision 4;
*(2) when the person is under the influence of a combination
of any two or more of the elements named in clauses (1) and (4);
*(3) when the person is knowingly under the influence of any
chemical compound or combination of chemical compounds that is
listed as a hazardous substance in rules adopted under section
182.655 and that affects the nervous system, brain, or muscles
of the person so as to impair the person's clearness of
intellect or physical control;
*(4) when the person is under the influence of alcohol;
*(5) when the person's alcohol concentration is 0.08 or
more; or
*(6) when the person's alcohol concentration is less than
0.08, but more than 0.04.

*Subd. 2. [ARREST.] A peace officer may arrest a person for
a violation under subdivision 1 without a warrant upon probable
cause, without regard to whether the violation was committed in
the officer's presence.

And someone can be under the influence with a BAC under 0.04 IMO.
*(4) when the person is under the influence of alcohol;


New member
Thanks guys, keep 'em coming.

Our NC Legislature went from a liberal majority to conservative majority in 2010 & pro gun legislation is moving faster than it ever has, along with other conservative issues. Castle doctrine, expanded right to carry, & intrastate gun commerce has all been generated the last few months. Liberals who were chokeholding legislation last year are helpless to stop it this year.

I don't know all the details, but the majority party in NC can control not only by voting numbers but by controlling whether legislation is even brought up for a vote. That finally works in our favor for awhile.


New member
I'm in Az. obviously & we can carry in restaurants. If they serve liquor, they have a right to post no carry signs by their liquor license & it must be a state approved specific sign. We have been able to get several places to remove these signs by explaining that BG don't obey signs. There have been no problems that I am aware of by CC holders. I will not patronize a posted place & will explain to management why I am leaving.


New member
Idaho has no prohibitions. Next door in Washington you cannot carry in any part of an establishment that prohibits anyone younger than age 21 due to alcohol service, so you can carry in a restaurant but not a bar.

We don't have too many shootings up here let alone ones in bars.


New member
In Michigan, you can carry if the business makes more than 50% of their income on food. A pretty broad/gray area. I just wouldn't carry in a place that their "food" consisted of a hot dog rotisserie and a rack of chips. Alcohol consumption while carrying is limited to .02. We don't drink, so that's not a concern for us.


New member
ncpatriot said:
Our NC Legislature went from a liberal majority to conservative majority in 2010 & pro gun legislation is moving faster than it ever has, along with other conservative issues. Castle doctrine, expanded right to carry, & intrastate gun commerce has all been generated the last few months. Liberals who were chokeholding legislation last year are helpless to stop it this year.
I don't know all the details, but the majority party in NC can control not only by voting numbers but by controlling whether legislation is even brought up for a vote. That finally works in our favor for awhile.

I am also an NC resident, and I also look forward to some sensible changes to the carry laws here. The carry permit is pretty useless here, as it is now. I've been doing some letter writing to state legislature members.

Don H

New member
Utah permits both concealed and open carry in bars and restaurants that serve alcohol. One can consume alcohol while carrying as long as one isn't "under the influence" - the standard is the same as driving a vehicle. To the best of my knowledge, there hasn't been any issues as a result.