CCW perfection: Sig P232


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I have been looking for the perfect CCW for 6 years, and have owned/traded quite a few weapons. My H&K USPc in 40S&W is my favorite, but a big bulky for everyday carry in Florida. So the search went on. I tried the Bersa Thunder 380 (pretty good), the Beretta Tomcat 32 (jammed too often for my taste), Walther P99C and Glock 26 (almost perfection, both of them), Walther PPK (hurt my hand to shoot), Beretta 9000s (too chunky).

This is waaaaaaay subjective, I know. So, today I found CCW perfection - Sig P232.

I like the Walther PPK/Bersa Thunder 380/Sig P232 form factor - thin and comfortable to hold and carry. The slim Kahrs I tried in 9mm just kicked like a mule. The Walther hurt my hand, while the Bersa would be my second choice after the Sig. The Sig with Hogue 3000 rubber grips is a JOY to shoot at the range, accurate and disappears IWB. I put all 7 shots inside a 6" circle at 30 feet, which it may not impress some here, but it sure as heck impressed me as its the first time I've EVER done that, with ANY gun. :eek:

The Glock 26 and P99C in 9mm are a very, very close second. They are a bit chunkier but in 9mm the recoil is tolerable for me. These are as small as I am willing to go in 9mm and still enjoy them at the range.

If you are OK with carrying .380 (I carry Corbon), take a look at the Sig 232 (there is a stainless model, but its a lot heavier). A big thumbs up for CCW in tropical climates! :D


New member
I shot a Bersa Thunder and a Sig 232 side by side. I only shot a few rounds through each as my brother in law was testing them to see which one he was going to buy. The fit and finish on the Sig is far superior, it is thinner, and lighter. And I prefer the Sig to the Bersa, but I did like the Bersa's American mag release and external slide release/stop lever. Accuracy was about the same, both good, and recoil was light.


New member
I had a Sig 232 Stainless with Hogue rubber grips and I agree with everything you said. It was very accurate and a real joy to shoot. Fit my hand like a glove too. But, I had the stainless version which was substantially heavier, and all things considered for me, wanting one main primary CCW I traded mine for a Glock 36 which was overall smaller, lighter, and a .45 Auto. I love my G36 and don't regret the trade, but - someday a P232 will make it's way back into my fold.


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My mom caries a 232 & she loves it. She is accurate w/ it & that means confidence in her carry weapon. I do not consider her "undergunned" w/ one she can shoot well.


New member
I wouldn't call it "CCW perfection," but they feel nice.

They're too big for pants pockets, and the .380 cartridge is marginal. As cool as they look, the 232 is probably the last Sig I would ever buy.


New member
While the P232 is indeed a great carry gun, it has good company. There are several guns of that size and ilk that satisfy the "Perfect Carry" critieria. The Beretta 84 and 85 are so similar they should be related. The Kahrs filled a niche they still only occupy.

The P232 is one sweet gun, no doubt. With some Hogue grips, or even some Nill wood grips, set this gun apart as one of the best looking, easy shooting and accurate masterpeices from Sig. The .380 round is a good round, available in many brands and varieties. Many LE agencies rely on the .380 for their back up and off duty weapon. It's fine for me and "Joe Schmoe".


New member
Obviously every person's CCW criteria will vary. For me, I dislike "pocket" guns (like the Keltec) primarily because I cant stand them in the range. The smallest I can go is the Beretta Tomcat and NAA Guardian. I like the "chunky" feeling in my hand.

When you get into 9mm thin and small (like some Kahr models), my dislike is in the recoil category. They kick like a mule (for me). There again I like a little more "chunkiness", like the G26 or P99C.

So in the thin category the smallest I would go is .380 and the PPK factor. My old PPK/S kicked even worse, but it was a sweet looking gun. I find the recoil of the Sig very, very manageable, even better than the G26 and P99C. And carrying it is extra comfortable because of its slim line. The only other gun besides that I am aware of is the Bersa Thunder 380 and 380 Concealed Carry, both EXCELLENT guns.

Given this criteria, any others I should be looking at during my next trip to the gun store? :rolleyes:


New member
Given this criteria, any others I should be looking at during my next trip to the gun store?

The above mentioned Beretta. The single stack mag, Beretta 85 is closest to your Sig P232 ideal. These are great guns.

The CZ 83 is a bit larger, only has a double stack mag, and weigh a lot more, but they are nice guns to shoot.

Believe it or not the HK P7 is very close in size and thinner than the P232. If you have a chance to rent one, try it.


New member
I have to go with PSP on this, for me the P7 is CCW perfection for its slender design, and of course the squeeze cocking safety. I have looked at the P232, don't own one, and while it is a great looking gun I don't see it's usage. It is too big for pocket gun, and if I'm doing IWB the smallest I would go is 9mm. I wanted a true pocket gun, which is why I bought the P32, it is my 75% of the time CCW and it is 100% reliable. If I went with .380 it would also have to be a pocket gun, since the P232 doesn't fill this role, I can't see owning one.


New member
I really wish Sig would make a true pocket gun with their excellent quality. Like either making to 232 with a shorter barrel and frame, thinner grips, and a DAK trigger (that means no levers except the take down lever which is recessed) or base it off of the style of the 220/239/229/226/228 but a whole lot smaller.

Really my only other option for this size and quality are the Rohrbaugh and Seecamp. I'm very picky and there just aren't enough options in the pocket pistol market.


New member
osuflister said:
I have to go with PSP on this, for me the P7 is CCW perfection for its slender design, and of course the squeeze cocking safety. I have looked at the P232, don't own one, and while it is a great looking gun I don't see it's usage. It is too big for pocket gun, and if I'm doing IWB the smallest I would go is 9mm. I wanted a true pocket gun, which is why I bought the P32, it is my 75% of the time CCW and it is 100% reliable. If I went with .380 it would also have to be a pocket gun, since the P232 doesn't fill this role, I can't see owning one.

This makes sense to me. Thanks for sharing. I had a similar way of thinking when I bought the Beretta Tomcat, looking for a "true pocket gun". I really, really liked the Tomcat except for the malfunctions that made me loose confidence in it. I pick up my Guardian on Tuesday and am hoping it will fit the "pocket gun" role, although I suspect the recoil at the range is going to be stiff and unpleasant. The Tomcat and the Guardian are a lot chunkier than the P32 even though they share the same "pocket gun" category - you just have to have BIG pockets! :D


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I pick up my Guardian on Tuesday and am hoping it will fit the "pocket gun" role, although I suspect the recoil at the range is going to be stiff and unpleasant.

Friendly reminder...put the bandaid on your trigger finger before you shoot ;) , ...saves time later. :D


New member
I like it.

My P232 is the only .380 that I still have. :) I'm surprised to hear that several of you have difficulty with pocket-carrying the gun; I mostly pocket-carry my P232 (the Euro-style heel mag release is a plus in this carry mode) in jeans or dress pants, and I like it a lot. The trigger pull is reasonable and clean, particularly for a pocket semiauto. The gun is well constructed, easy to clean, and runs perfectly. It's certainly on the large side for a .380 (my Kahr P9 Covert is much more powerful and noticeably smaller), but it's very comfortable in my hand.


New member
I also carry my P232 in jeans or slacks, I do have a pocket holster I use to break up the outline a bit. Prior to getting the 232 I carried a S&W 649 the same way.


New member
I wouldn't call it "CCW perfection," but they feel nice.
C'mon, who doesn't think of their own ccw choice as anything less than perfection? lol

Below my caliber basement, but I sure do find myself looking at pics of them, when posted... <ahem>.

wanting one main primary CCW I traded mine for a Glock 36 which was overall smaller, lighter, and a .45 Auto
sounds like a good trade to me.


New member
Probably one of the best reasons for liking the sig 232

is it looks good. The lines on the gun are close to perfect... not like most simi-autos these days that are shaped like a shoe box.


New member
Looking right back at ya! ;)


With Protech sleeve - the most comfortable carry rig I have.



New member asked for pics?

Here's a pic of the P7 PSP and the P232.
Same size?

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