CCW Options


New member
I am trying to decide which to get for my CCW. I am considering the Ruger SR9, the XD-9SC and the M&P Compact 9mm. I really don't know which way to go.

What is your advice?


New member
If you can shoot all three and you like them all, I'd go with the smallest, slimest of the group. That will be your most comfortable and you will have a higher likelyhood of actually carrying, but you probably want to purchase the one you are most comfortable actually shooting.

Just my opinion though.


New member
Take this for what it's worth, just an opinion, I went with the M&P9c.
Great gun, very accurate and reliable. No problems at all after 600 rounds.


New member
If it were me I'd go with the XD9c , I have the 45c and coulnd't be happier. It is ready to go when you need it, and intuitvley safe with all the active and passive safties. Ultimatley it should come down to what you shoot best and what looks best to you. And in time and when the budget allows you can buy all of them!


New member
Same for me.

I'm also looking for a CCW. I want something smaller than Jeff mentioned but still at least a 9mm. I have looked and held a Kahr PM 9, it is surely small enough and most like it. Anyone have opinions on a CZ 2575 RAMI subcompact? My local gun store didn't have one in stock. They are about $100 less than the Kahr. My brother-in-law has a Kahr PM 40 but it is difficult to shoot with that much of a bullet.


New member
Considering ONLY the choices you have listed?

XD9SC. I just bought mine last week, and fired it yesterday and have to say that I am very pleased with every aspect of the gun.





New member
Great photos Bandit

You have some great photos there bandit. I have a xd9 but not the sub compact size. I like it a lot only not sure if the sub compact would be small enough. Local gun shop doesn't have one in stock for me to look at. They did have a Kahr.

T. O'Heir

New member
The only thing that matters when choosing a handgun, for any purpose, is how well it fits your hand. If you can't easily reach the trigger with no stress to your hand, it doesn't fit.
Go to your local gun shop and try a few on for size. If you can shoot it, that's great, but it must feel comfortable in your hand first.
Once you find that pistol, you need to try as many brands of ammo as you can to find the ammo your pistol will both shoot well and cycle the action. Then you must practice with it, regularly, using that ammo.
How a pistol looks or the calibre doesn't matter if you can't shoot it well. Remember that you are 100% responsible for where any bullet you fire, with any firearm, ends up. If you can't hit what you're shooting at, you have no buiness carrying any firearm.